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5 лет назад

Alchemy money payment application

Alchemy cryptocurrency
Hi everyone today I would like to introduce to everyone, the Alchemy e-payment application a modern application.
Yes, this app allows people to pay securely, giving you the convenience Alchemy is a leading cryptocurrency payment solution and technology provider in Asia Pacific that powers online and offline merchants with fast, secure and convenient hybrid crypto-fiat payment systems and solutions. . Large-scale commercial application As the basic network for payment, the sustainable development of the platform is
Important for alchemy. To achieve this, the key lies in our constant innovation
ability by following rules developed through community consensus.
The general rules of the platform are guaranteed by administrators
mechanism and consensus mechanism. For innovation,
developing electronic payment systems in the past few decades
have fully demonstrated that as long as power is granted
Innovators closer to the market, unlimited creativity will come
Regarding governance mechanism, Alchemy applies completely open
ecosystem, allowing participants to focus on what they are good at.
Appropriate incentives are applied to maximize profits
and to stimulate innovation through the market.
yes this is an electronic payment application for you, and this application pays very simply by three steps as follows.
1 Customer checks out shopping cart
2 Selects crypto of choice
3 Scan QR code and pay with a crypto wallet
Online and offline, cross-border and cross-chain transactions Fast and secure transactions with extensive solutions Machine learning and AI to minimize fraud risks Autonomous community ecosystems Incentives to encourage loyalty loyal and encourage activities on Alchemy's platform Flexible payment model available to support industry needs
Alchemy and Alchemy optimization of electronic payment solutions
Building the ecosystem
On the one hand, the technological advantages of Alchemy-based blockchain payment solutions have been continuously strengthened through cooperation with blockchain partners.
On the other hand, by spreading Alchemy cryptocurrency payment solutions, we will be able to empower our ecosystem partners like payment companies and industrial solution providers. These help to expand the application scenarios of cryptocurrencies and accelerate the launch of blockchain applications.The alchemy payment consensus protocol can be seamlessly implemented on various public block chains to allow the acceptance of any cryptocurrency.
02 flexible payment models available to support industry needs, including PULLPAY (seller to scan users) to meet multiple subscription and subscription-based payment requirements
03Support scaling solutions such as Lightning Network, Raiden Network, State Channel Network as well as Cross-Payment
04 Machine learning and AI to minimize fraud risks and enhance network security and dynamic strategies to prevent depreciation risks of electricity prices
Open Alchemy decentralized accounts for direct selling companies.
The account corresponds to the direct selling hierarchy
architecture. At each level, accounts support different sub accounts
Types, for example: collecting accounts, payment accounts, possible account division
Alchemy provides you with a full range of payment solutions to help your customers accept fiat and cryptocurrency payments with competitive and timely payments. Connecting with us for market-leading and open-source solutions, Individuals and enterprise developers play an important role in the development of our products and services strengthened by Alchemy consensus protocol.This is a convenient application for everyone and customers, with this application for people to pay in various forms, different types of cryptocurrencies, this is a good application for all users to pay, or trading. Alchemy is a provider of blockchain payment solutions. What makes your approach to blockchain payments different from other companies in your space offering similar services?
Alchemy offers you a full range of payment solutions to help your customers accept fiat and cryptocurrency payments with competitive and timely payments. Connecting with us for market-leading and open-source solutions, Individuals and enterprise developers play an important role in the development of our products and services underpinned by Alchemy consensus protocol. Provides payment and payment solutions from cryptocurrency to fiat and from fiat to cryptocurrency.
Provide an integrated solution for the State Channel Network.
The table below refers to the comparison between the current Blockchain Payment Platform of Alchemy Vs. Alchemy focuses on providing payment protocols and open source development platforms that allow payment companies to accept it with faster and more affordable services. Visit the main website: https://www.achpay.org/alchemy_english.html Yes for more information on the page below WHITEPAPER: https://www.achpay.org/static/files/V3.8_WP-E_Alchemy_20190906.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AlchemyGPS/
Telegram: https://t.me/alchemy_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Alchemygps
Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2635618
ETH: 0x7Dd9dc651540516Fd2077AF8Ebd1d5606f27e034

11.751 GOLOS
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