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5 лет назад



Welcome my dear subscribers.Today I want to introduce you to a very promising project.And you make a decision about investing. So let's get started.

People are more willing to carry their money to a casino or lottery in the hope of increasing their capital, despite the fact that there are more reliable and predictable tools like the stock exchange. Many explain this lack of knowledge or fear of incurring high financial risks. For uninitiated citizens, access to the investment market is virtually closed, which in some part is the reason for the growing imbalance between the rich and the poor. The developers of the iOWN platform analyzed the main problems and obstacles and identified several characteristic points, among which: iOWN is a global decentralized investment platform that eliminates the shortcomings of existing investment models, thanks to modern financial technologies. The project is a multifunctional online platform where users can use the services, choosing from the listed ready-made investment options. To access the services of the platform, the iown project tokens will be used – this is its own internal digital currency, which is developed according to a special economic model. The platform allows to unite different types of users: borrowers, investors, traders and many others. All users will find convenient and profitable services that will help to make the right financial decisions.

Risk management
Usually, security scares governments and financial regulators to limit a large number of the population from "playing" on the stock exchange. Despite the fact that the objective of the campaign have a higher chance of profit than to gamble. The higher the risk, the higher the return, and in the case of venture capital, the return can be 10-100 times greater. However, unlike gambling, investing allows you to own shares of companies, which is an additional advantage.

Investor training
Another reason why investments are considered too risky for individual investors is that stock selection can be a complex process and a poorly balanced portfolio can lead to investor losses. However, it is also no secret that Fund managers invest their money in a passive index Fund, which is a small portfolio of all s&P 500 companies. A passive strategy may initially offer less potential profit in volatile markets. However, it provides tax benefits and reduces costs overall, and effectively outperforms actively managed portfolios. The question is: does the retail investor lack the knowledge necessary to join this market, or are we deprived of high return on investment opportunities due to several decades of lobbying?

Cost reduction
To join the market, you often need to contact a broker who will require a Commission and a minimum investment amount. Many old-school brokers require at least $ 10,000 in initial investment with significant transaction costs and taxes, which creates a high entry barrier. There are also mutual funds designed to bring together retail investors to buy a common portfolio, but they also usually require a fairly significant investment of $ 3,000 or more. One way to solve this problem across the industry will be to digitize the company's assets and shares and divide them into smaller and more affordable units using blockchain technology. Many companies already issue their shares in the form of tokens or represent the company's capital and asset ownership in the form of smart contracts. This allows users to buy stocks and invest with small amounts.

Currently, the stock market is too expensive for a retail investor, especially through all sorts of brokers and intermediaries, so the highest potential profit opportunities remain reserved for wealthy individuals, venture capital and corporations. Major players claim their superior knowledge and risk management abilities, but their portfolio management skills have recently been questioned. Perhaps it's time to turn to technologies and legal solutions that allow retail investors equal opportunities to own shares.

How do iown developers propose to solve these problems and what do they see as tools for business transformation with the help of an open investment platform? To answer this question we will look at specific services that have been developed to run on the iOWN site among which:

Search for venture financing for start-up companies.
Whether a user launches a small startup, owns a well-established business or consortium, there comes a time when additional funds or liquidity injections are required to develop the current business or start a new one. If there is no experience in finding investors and tools to interact with venture funds, the user will be able to find out who to contact. Entrepreneurs will be able to get recommendations and then compete with similar enterprises in their region. The simplicity of this process will allow you to focus on your products.

Reducing the risk of venture capital
Despite a developed technological society, we have retained the investment models of the 20th century, when local entrepreneurs are looking for mostly the same local investors through their contacts or casual meetings, and then give their business concepts under the management of venture investors who only care about getting maximum profitability in the shortest possible time. Many brilliant ideas and teams that in the long run would be able to make a unique and sought-after product go bankrupt because of impatient investors. Venture capitalists "massively invest" in 10-20 startups, while expecting a 5-fold return and quickly retreating from less successful or slower businesses. Thanks to iOWN, an entrepreneur will be able to control his risks and not depend on venture investors.

Attracting investments from a wide audience
Currently, the globalization of information transfer over the Internet and advances in financial technology are taking investment models beyond standard banking, financial institutions and traditional venture capital investment. Entrepreneurs using the iOWN platform will be able to use the new solution for financing their startups and businesses Crowd-Investment, which combines the best features of crowdfunding and private investment with decentralized Blockchain technology. Entrepreneurs get instant access to a global network of proven and reliable investors. They moug instantly demonstrate their business idea and proposal without spending money, time and effort on networking, advertising or searching for toxic venture capital.

Business information placement on the iOWN platform
Registration on the iOWN platform means that the company becomes part of the ecosystem and gets access to quality investors around the world. It also means gaining instant trust as the business is audited by iown experts and licensed auditors. With years of experience in the investment industry, the iOWN team knows what investors care about. The developers have created tools to help entrepreneurs demonstrate important information about their business.

Automated fundraising tools on the iOWN platform are easy to set up and run. The team provides an algorithm that simplifies the distribution of profits and the transfer of ownership in the campaign. Entrepreneurs themselves determine the duration of their campaign (only 15 days) and retain control over their business after successful financing (in contrast to the venture investment model). To learn more about how iOWN can help the business you can read a whitepaper on the website https://www.iowntoken.com/


The developers iOWN, using new technology and goes together with the global progress in the area of investments and business development. Of course, Sovremennye FINTECH model will make significant discoveries of our century. Distributed blockchain registry technology and related solutions will help iOWN financial and investment systems to develop and implement new ideas, technologies, business and the whole economy. To this end, the development team has created a one-of-a-kind crowd-investment platform and ecosystem that unites small and large investors with companies and startups, which allows you to freely Finance and grow worthy projects on a global scale.

To keep abreast of the latest news of the project, You can visit the official website or subscribe to social networks:
Web: https://www.iowntoken.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.iowntoken.com/iOWN-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iowntoken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iOWNToken/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iowngroup
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3gsYQsL0yYC_ShOYUGP5WA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iowntoken/
Telegram: https://t.me/iOWNToken

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