>Self-plagiarism, also known as recycling fraud, occurs when an author reuses text in subsequent writings without attributing the previous publication.
Not informing your readers that the content is unoriginal is FRAUD.
Apologies for the English (will translate later) however the above is incorrect.
For those of you confused about "rshares", "vshares", and the calculation, here is a quick explanation. "rshares" is a linear function of vote % weight, account voting power, and VESTS. When an object is set for payout, a function "claim_rshare_reward" is called (https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/database.cpp#L2359). This function calls ONCE a helper function "calculate_vshares( rshares.value )" (https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/database.cpp#L2371). rshares.value, which I will refer to as "net_rshares" is the total rshares accumulated by all voters voting on a object.
You can see this again here: https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/database.cpp#L1953 where we issue "claim_rshare_reward( comment.net_rshares, ...".
comment.net_rshares is defined here: https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/include/steemit/chain/comment_object.hpp#L104, with the comment "// reward is proportional to rshares^2, this is the sum of all votes (positive and negative)"
The logical payout is then calculated based on the total net_rshares allocated anywhere in the current state. Once the payout is issued, the net_rshares is then subtracted from the global state (https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/database.cpp#L2386).
"calculate_vshares" is effectively (net_rshares)^2 - c*net_rshares, for some constant c. (In the code it is written as (net_rshares + s)*(net_rshares + s) - s*s, https://github.com/GolosChain/golos/blob/master/libraries/chain/database.cpp#L2285 , http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(x-y)%5E2+-+y%5E2 ). The constant is added to make the function differentiable at zero, but is effectively small and we can claim that vshares is approximately O(net_rshares^2), where net_rshares is the sum of rshares allocated to the object (see more: https://steemit.com/theoretical/@theoretical/the-steem-reward-system-part-2-v-shares-from-r-shares).
TL;DR: The calculation of reward from a post is the sum of all rshares on a post, squared. Therefore, it does not matter how many accounts voted for a post, only the effective total power of the sum of voters.
(10*100)^2 == (1*1000)^2