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5 лет назад

Windhan Energy -> Blockchain-Based Renewable Energy and Trade Platform

Blockchain is indeed one of the technological trends highlighted this year. Not surprisingly, many new startups have sprung up with this technology.

Other improved technologies can also be transformative. The Blockchain, originally created for cryptocurrency, for example, bitcoin, has moved to the energy space, allowing advanced data to be disseminated through the system. The idea is to enable customers, whether they are individuals or commercial companies, to buy and sell energy specifically between each other, by means of joint exchange (P2P). The Blockchain is appropriate for this because it keeps records of generation and utilization of energy that is transparent, auditable and automatic. This can produce energy efficiency and cost savings.

green energy based blockchain. More meritocratic is the Crowdfunding and trading platform, which uses blockchain technology to create a generation of renewable energy. This brings together green energy producers and consumers to sell and buy renewable energy without paying too much to companies, suppliers and other intermediaries. This is a platform that facilitates the purchase and sale of carbon credits through a global network and decentralization that brings together energy developers, investors and consumers and enables the financing and launch of energy assets.

Green energy comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, plants, algae and geothermal energy. This energy resource is renewable, meaning it is replenished naturally. Conversely, fossil fuels are limited resources that require millions of years to be developed and will continue to decrease with their use.

Windhan is a green energy trading platform and platform based on ERC20 that uses blockchain technology to create the next generation of more meritocratic renewable energy assets. This brings together green energy producers and consumers to sell and buy renewable energy without paying more to companies, suppliers and other intermediaries. This is a platform to combine energy developers, investors, and consumers through a global network of decentralization that allows energy assets to be funded and launched


We will start by developing new services that will optimize financing and tokenized energy trading in the future. First, we will build a 108 MW Superior Windhan project in Kazakhstan. The plan is to provide assets to finance and trade energy to be optimized. To truly finance and trade energy tokens, we need to get the Windhan (WHN) token. WHN will be issued for sale of Windhan tokens.

Projects whose ideas we will consider, to find a solution to the problem described above. At the same time, this is possible. And this project is called Windhan.

The project itself was developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and enabled it to use technology as crowdfunding, attracting large projects to realize its global idea to create renewable energy sources.

Conversion of wind to electricity

Wind power is converted into electricity by a magnet that moves through the stationary wire coil known as the stator. When the magnet passes through the stator, AC power is produced. This is then converted to DC electricity which can be used to charge batteries that store electrical energy or can also be inserted into an interactive network inverter to feed power into the electricity network.

Green electricity 'is power produced from sources that do not damage the environment. Green power production technology is a technology that clearly reduces the harmful environmental impacts of energy generation. They generally use renewable sources such as wind, water, sun and biomass.

Wind Energy is energy that is utilized from the wind. Humans have been using wind energy for more than 2000 years. In many places, wind energy is used by windmills to pump water and grind grain. Windmills work by slowing down wind speed. The wind flows over the bar that causes them to spin.

Benefits of wind power

Wind power is a reliable source of clean energy for the long term future. Wind turbines produce pollution-free, reliable, cost-effective energy. It's affordable, clean and sustainable. One wind turbine can be sufficient to generate energy for the household.

The knife is connected to a drive shaft that rotates an electric generator to produce electricity. Wind turbines require a constant average wind speed of around 14 miles per hour before wind turbines can produce electricity. To produce large amounts of electricity, many machines can be installed together to form wind fields.

Advantages of Wind Energy:

Because wind energy is the result of changes in temperature due to the heat of the sun, and the sun is an endless source of energy, wind energy is also renewable.

This is a clean, reliable and cost-effective power source.

Electricity generated from wind does not contribute to global warming and acid rain.

Compared to the energy from nuclear power plants, there is no risk of radioactive exposure to wind power.

Because wind is a non-polluting and renewable energy source, wind turbines create energy without using fossil fuels, without producing greenhouse gases or radioactive or toxic waste.

Wind Turbine Installation

Wind turbines can be installed on property, on boats or caravans. Whether the wind turbine is feasible or not depends entirely on the amount of wind resources available in your area. The first thing you need to do is find out the average speed in your area. Although using available data freely gives an indication, the most reliable method is the reading that is done on your site.

The average wind speed must be above 5 m / s (18km per hour) to make the installation of wind turbines useful. The ideal location for wind turbines is in this country, on the farm, or on the beach: basically anywhere from the area being built. The more buildings around the wind turbine, the fewer winds there are. Setting up a wind turbine is a big job that takes time but can be a very effective way to create power as long as the average wind speed is quite high.

Windhan is a blockchain-based green energy trading and ERC20 platform that uses blockchain technology to create the next generation of more meritocratic renewable energy assets. This brings together green energy producers and consumers to sell and buy renewable energy without paying more to companies, suppliers and other intermediaries. This is a platform to combine energy developers, investors, and consumers through a global network and decentralization that allows energy assets to be funded and launched


Related to this project Until now it has all the authoritative and legal agreements to carry out its activities, which are satisfying. Also, developers certainly know the amount they need to actualize this concept. In their report, they provide a budget model that explains the large amount, which determines the final amount including VAT. To be honest, the amount needed is not small with only the production of 27 wind turbines which will require a project cost of 134 million euros, and this will require many other costs. In line with this, ICO is important to raise funds needed with crowdfunding.


Strong power plants give us this electricity, which, unfortunately, does not always benefit from their actions. However, many of these power plants are very dangerous and dangerous for our health and the ecological state of our land. And of course I'm talking about the types of stations that use nuclear power, and the sources of non-renewable raw materials to produce strong electricity. Unfortunately, the consequences of such station work are very large and there is something that needs to be solved.

Windhan is dedicated to:

1. The government approved 108 leading projects in Kazakhstan.

2. Cheaper electricity transactions.

3. one market for investors, producers and consumers.

4. Energy tokens that can be traded through smart contracts.

5. One sign for big profits such as cross-border payments, electricity bills, carbon credit exchanges.

6. Financing instant green energy projects through a decentralized blockchain platform.


For those who are looking for a feasible and real project, I believe that Windhan is one of the few who not only has practical ideas that can change the world for the better, but also many other trumps are available even in the early stages of development. . Speaking seriously, I will take a closer look at this project and think, why not be part of something bigger.

If you have the same opinion, then for greater self-confidence, I suggest you personally learn all the necessary material regarding this project. To see for yourself in the current scheme, and to realize how serious it is. To do this, at the end of my review, I have prepared all the necessary social resources and project technical documentation, thank you for answering all your questions.

ICO details

As I mentioned earlier, the process itself is built on the principle of a decentralized network, where each token is supported by a smart and powerful contract. The token that will be presented to the audience is called - WHN. The owner of this token will have various accesses and opportunities provided by Windhan. This will include VIP membership, and access to resources at any time, as well as a large number of different promotion, discount and loyalty systems.

Token Details

  • SALE PRE: 24 FEB 2019 - 20 MAR 2019 (0.0051 ETH = 1.0 WHN)
  • GENERAL SALES: 24 FEB 2019 - April 17 2019 (0.8 EURO = 1.0 WHN)
  • SOFT CAP: 1,402,231 ETH
  • HARD HARD: 2,082,337 ETH
  • TOTAL TOKENS: 250,000,000
  • ON SALE: 88%


- Richard Reinert

- Richard Matthews

- Richard Seaman

- Matiss Paegle

- Pushpendra Singh

- Linda Bluma

- Sintija Zankovska


- David Meszaros

- Daryl Naidoo

- Jaian Cuttari

- Jeff Hood

- Quentin Herbrecht

- Arturas Svirskis

- Amol Mozarkar

- Krystelle Galano

- Chen Si Yuan

- Arpit Sharma

- Paulo Carneiro

- Vincenzo Niglio

- Misha Osaula

- Yuen Wong


Detail Information:

WEB SITE: https://windhanenergy.io

WHITE PAPER: https://windhanenergy.io/file/whitepaper-English.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/windhanenergy/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/@EnergyWindhan

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/windhanenergy/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/windhanenergyofficial

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5114243.

Author: Adiva16

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343007

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На Golos с March 2019
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