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5 лет назад

Blob Flow is a stable digital currency ecosystem

Changes in people's lifestyles from the use of cash to electronic money have a positive impact on the business of electronic money itself. Unmitigated, now the business that was once run by a start-up business is starting to be able to compete with banks that have more qualified capital and experience.

This article I want to introduce the Blobflow project "stable ecosystem",

BlobFlow is a stable ecosystem consisting of many stable Blob coins that track various paper currencies, commodity prices, and economic indicators. The blob stabilization mechanism is the Registered Token Register (basket) of other stable coins selected by the utility flow control token holder. Blob needs at least two other stable coins to track certain pegs, now there are 17 Wadding baskets that can be supported.

About BlobFlow

BlobFlow is a stable digital currency ecosystem that has a mission to replace all paper currencies as a reliable medium of exchange.


Wad diversified with stable coins
Clots are driven by smart contracts
Clumps that are driven by the community
Blob has a mission against Fiat


Flow has a limited total inventory.
Blob's origins are valued in rivers
Blob withdrawal rates can be paid from
Flow holders manage a stable BlobFlow ecosystem.


It's no secret that uncertainty still exists and, most likely, will be the biggest, and even more so regarding problems with digital currencies. Because the prices of the main resources on the market in different weeks differ by more than 10%, it can be justified that most speculators are very careful to enter the market, and those who enter continue to look for options to reduce the danger.

It is interesting to note that the form of digital money with benefit support consists of the fact that coins are offset by resources that change outside the cryptographic money space, that is, hidden resources are not connected, which reduces monetary danger. Bitcoin and altcoin are connected exclusively, so digital money holders cannot avoid falling values ​​without leaving the market and without sheltering on stable coins supported by resources. In addition, such coins, hoping that they are monitored according to usual decency and have a component for profit / support, may not go down when assessing the underlying physical resources due to the exchange.


Token Information Sign To flow
Ethereum platform
type ERC20
Prices in ICO $ 0.0030
Tokens sold for 500 million
Investment Information


Weights are the most durable stable coins, pursuing the sole goal of disappointment and decentralized with FLOW token holders.


The mass kills a clear eccentric danger for every single stable coin, developing between a basket of stable coins chosen by the FLOW token holder.


The Extended Basket acts as a support for the only disappointment of any stable coin.

Automatic rebalancing

The masses consistently respect their attachments. Explore this methodology in our White Paper.

Smart contract

The masses are fully robots in the chain with smart contracts that increase trust, unwavering quality, integrity, and protection from restrictions.

Community Management

The owner of the stream agrees to guarantee the storage of the BLOB box.

Anti Fiat

The first four BLOBs sent to ExMarkets were BLOBUSD, BLOBEURO, BLOBGOLD, and BLOBSILVER, which were pursued by nearly 20 different BLOBs. We represent a hostile attitude towards the BLOB order which will govern later.



Website: https://www.blobflow.com/
White Paper: https://docsend.com/view/i98xgq9
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blobflow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blobflow
Telegram: https://t.me/blobflow
Medium: https://medium.com/@blobflow
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blobflow/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlobFlow/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blobflow

Username:FLOID 1995

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