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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Hello, this time I will introduce the Freelanex decentralized platform which provides a system environment on the Blockchain that represents an opportunity to approach bargaining using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through a user friendly interface. Everything will be managed thanks to a transparent and decentralized portal that will help in gaining trust in transactions between clients and freelancers. views on problems in the form of demands to set security standards, to build reliable business relationships between freelancers and clients. With the characteristics and standards of Blockchain Technology to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients. Blockchain is the best tool we can use to create effective solutions to problems faced by freelancers. This can be achieved by building an ecosystem based on the Blockchain to provide transparency and trust between customers and freelancers; Our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and its wallet platform. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of work rights. Our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and its wallet platform. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of work rights. Our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and its wallet platform. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of work rights. Our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and its wallet platform. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of work rights. Our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts. Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and its wallet platform. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of work rights.


Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides a system environment on the Blockchain. This is a unique opportunity to approach bargaining by using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through a user friendly interface. Freelanex introduces a clear and trustworthy transaction system and employee protection rights protect freelancers from fraudulent and unprincipled practices - a situation that is mutually beneficial to both parties.


We believe in empowering freelancers and giving them a trusted environment to connect with job opportunities anywhere, anywhere and anytime. We have recognized that the environment for freelancers and clients is very volatile today, and we have a mission to build trust and a pleasant workspace as a whole.


Freelanex connects millions of casual workers around the world with job opportunities through a real work environment created to promote collaboration, transparency and payment security. Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the biggest and most trusted online work environment for freelancers while allowing them to invest and get the same benefits through platform scalability. We envision a future where freelancers around the world will have unlimited access to growth and trust while working online.


Asia: 11,3%

North America: 59.7%

South America: 4.0%

Africa: 1.4%

Europe: 20.3%

Australia: 3,3%


Lack of uniform guidelines

Lack of high speed and ease in distrust and confidence

Strong control over offers and high fees imposed on independent sites

Amendment to agreement between the two parties and violation of the Convention

Sometimes it is difficult to receive payments from clients and transactions are canceled

There is no process to verify the data included on both sides to confirm its transparency or accuracy

It takes time to look for requests and offers and sometimes these days are inefficient and reliable

There is no smooth and transparent way of trust that can be used to benefit both parties


Ease of use

Through a flexible, smart and efficient user interface for everyone

Smart Contract

Through the use of smart contracts, guarantees are available to users without intermediary intervention

Perfect security

We are committed to securing all transactions with security

There are no geographical obstacles

There will be no geographical barriers between users who communicate and work from anywhere and at any time

Customer service

Customers can instantly find the services they need anytime

Transaction fee

Different from other platforms in terms of high transaction costs because transaction costs on the platform Only (8% to 10%)

Continuous support

Continued technology support for platforms through the use of artificial intelligence mechanisms in the system


Offering free and paid courses to provide a variety of jobs for people who want to enter Freelancers

Review the transaction

Review and evaluate information through product audits and evaluations for all parties


Blockchain can guarantee transactions that are agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to combine contract conditions for making automatic decisions - according to blockchain rules and smart contracts - for everyone on the network and transactions in the ledger.


As we have said, Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental system on the Blockchain. Thanks to that, freelancers and their potential clients will easily connect - have the opportunity to work together in a trustworthy ecosystem - where all work relationships will be managed by our Smart Contract and will be guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology. All transactions between Freelancers and clients are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect Blockchain data storage. To provide security for users on the Blockchain there are standards and features, which will be automatically implemented by Blockchain - programming with smart contracts,

Payment guarantee


Legal conditions



Comfortable and simple interface, where every beginner can easily know how to use it.

Smart contract. That is, thanks to smart contracts, all actions will be instant, transparent, without interference from fraudsters and intermediaries.

High level of security.

Lack of geographical barriers. That is, both customers and contractors can be from anywhere in our world and take action at any time of the day.

Technical support is available 24 hours a day.

Low commission. Compared to other freelance platforms, transaction fees will be as low as 8% to 10%.

Training course. Courses will be offered for people who want to join freelance.

Token Sales Info

The Token Simbol: FLXC

Nama the Token: Freelanex

Updates Related: Bow the Token - of The Luxury Altcoin

The Token Jenis: ERC20

of Total Supply of the Token: 10,000,000,000 FLXC

Biaya 1 FLXC the Token: 0.004 USD

Soft Cap: 1.000.000 USD

the Hard Cap: 10.000.000 USD

Currency Received: and the ETH The BTC

Whitelist: Yes

KYC (Get to Know Your Clients): Yes, through exchanges

Token Allocation



Come up with an idea

Research. Planning & Development

Q1 -Q2, 2019

Company Registration In Dubai

Collaborate with professionals

White Paper and Other Development Documents

Website Development

Intelligent Contract Development and Development

Marketing Strategy Development

MVP Platform Beta Creation

Seed Round


Development of legal background with professionals

Partnerships with companies and professionals recognized by the world

Start Audit and negotiation with exchange

Started Development of FreelaneX Platform V1

Updates Related: Aiocasino - Kasino Cryptocurrency the All-Pertama with In-the One


Start a Marketing Campaign and a Bounty Campaign for IEO

Launch IEO Rounds 1 and 2 ____ exchanges at

Launch the Freelanex the V1 Testing platform in real time

Start the Freelanex V2 Development platform with Blockchain Technology


Work on the purchase of headquarters and equipment in the City of Dubai and the process to get started.

Pilot Prelaunch platform for Freelanex worldwide for thousand users and 20 Companies.


Official Launch for all of the world

Global Marketing Campaign


Acquisition of 10,000 Users


Final Release With AI And Blockchain Technology

Android and iOS release

Acquisition of 100,000 Users


Launched Headquarters In Dubai

Launch Freelanex Branches in 3 countries

Reach 300,000 Freelancers / 3000 Companies

Tim FreelaneX





SHIVA DWIVEDI- chief technology officer

DAVORIN BEBEK- Communication and Community Manager

FARAH ABBAS- Chief Business Analyst



KAPOOR NAVIIN- Strategic ICO Advisor

SYDNEY IFERGAN- Marketing Advisor

IGOR KARAVAEV- Financial advisor

ERIKA ROSENSTEIN - Business Development Advisor


Further information

Website: https://www.freelanex.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.freelanex.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Whitepaper-Freelanex.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Freelanex

Twitter: https://twitter.com/freelanex

Telegram: https://t.me/Freelanex

Linkkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/freellanex

Medium: https://medium.com/@Freelanex

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Freelanex

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcXpcGlfMKqqzOGztk6TsMg

Username:FLOID 1995

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