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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Qompass - the future of the blockchain

Blockchain is an absolutely unique technology that has changed understanding of such concepts as "currency world" and "decentralization". Thus, challenging the traditional perspective of financial transactions that need a full correction. The technology blockchain stands at a very different stage of development, each time moving higher and higher for their own purposes. This not only allows us to make the world better and reduce world borders between countries and continents, but also offers ample opportunities for interaction between various state and financial institutions. And despite the fact that the blockchain technology is still at an early stage of development and is faced with various technical and social issues related to quality of service, ease of use, productivity, every new generation of blockchain is innovative. The very essence of blockchain technology lies in the way in which it could use a decentralized system. However, the problem related to the lack of an application for the real world, as well as conservative financial structures and technological limitations, was one of the drawbacks for the full implementation of this technology.

Qompass has made a major breakthrough in this direction by offering an innovative platform that will offer solutions that are commonly encountered by an earlier generation of blockchain. Thanks to the application of the global financial network, the platform will provide unlimited access to funding pools, the user will have the opportunity to use borrowed funds. And the idea of

the project is to create a "bridge" that would connect the whole world, and all people. The project will ensure wide interaction of exchanges around the world, thereby fully establishing a connection with the financial market.

The essence of the project

 Qompass is a decentralized financial platform based on the blockbuster, which is able to provide users with access to various financial markets. To perform all transactions within the service, QPS tokens will be available, the sale of which started in April 2018 on the official website of the project. Https://qompass.io/#Users will be able to work with the service through a special mobile application, as well as using the Qompass currency card. This will greatly facilitate the work with the blockbuster. Service Qompass has a specialized system, for the successful operation of which in a bundle the "debit card and electronic wallet" interact, which complement each other and allow you to use the mobile application to pay for services or goods at any time.

Developers of the Qompass project want to integrate various neural networks, IA and block system into their system. This will ensure the operation of a multifunctional ecosystem with the ability to integrate by API. The above functions of the Qompass service will provide an opportunity to manage financial markets and capital markets on a much larger scale

What is unique about the Qompass project

The Qompass platform has a number of features that distinguish it from other similar projects:

  1. Strong artificial intelligence with a lot of possibilities.
  2. Providing loans that increase your deposit up to 100 times.
  3. The project supports smart contracts and a cross-chain. It can work on several lockers simultaneously.
  4. Low commission.
  5. Anonymity and confidentiality.
  6. Decentralization.

The Qompass network is very flexible - it can be customized and scaled.

Conductivity of the network is more than 30,000 transfers per second.

The Qompass network is much faster than ETH and VTS.

Investment opportunities of the Qompass platform

All interested in the project Qompass customers, will be able to buy investment packages that will give an opportunity to receive dividends, depending on the type of the selected package. As a result, each user will be able to earn up to 300% per month with the project - depending on the amount of investment.

Referral program of the Qompass project

  Special attention should be paid to the referral program of the Qompass project. The affiliate system is a broad referral structure with many levels. The profit comes from 3 levels of referrals (10% - I level, 4% - II level, 1% - level III). Additional profit is 15% per month from each deposit of your referral in the Qompass system. An attractive three-level system of rewards for fulfilling the terms of the referral program was developed and applied.

Who is in the team of Qompass

Road map of the project

In conclusion, it can be said that this project provides an opportunity not only to passively earn on its investments, but also to obtain a loan on mutually beneficial terms. The road map once again confirms the seriousness and prospects of this project.

 Telegram: https://t.me/Qompass

Author's profile

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1504399

My ETH address: 0xBEee5ddeEaAD153EE3C1b60e13DA0F8565aA5788 

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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