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7 лет назад

"The Last Network" - The Last Social Network The World Will Ever Need.

This is an idea for a Reputation Based - Augmented Reality - Social Network that I believe IS coming and will change this world, here is my long term vision and my philosophy behind it.

You can also find updates at steemit.com/@bless, I would appreciate an upvote there as well if you support this idea and are on Steemit


Dunbar's number - is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships—relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how each person relates to every other person.
He proposed that humans can comfortably maintain only 150 stable relationships.

The global community has lost this reputation system, "The Last Network" (working name) aims to re-create that reputation system on a global scale.

I propose we can not only move that number much higher based on a reputation system similar to how easy it is to have relationships with over 500 people on facebook. We can also enable a new level of trust and interaction with completely unknown person's.


This network will build stronger communities, reduce stress throughout the population, and enable a far more content driven sharing economy. Where everyone is equally rewarded for their energy.

With every net positive beneificial action for the network the user is rewarded KARMA POINTS (KP) (working name) , which allow you to vote on the direction of the network and also create KARMA TOKENS (KT) earn money proportional to the network.

For those reading from outside of steemit that are unaware of how a reward system like this could work, check out how steemit and the steem economy and tokens work.

Steemit is the proof this concept can work and currently has a $239 million market cap and are already paying people for individual contributions to the network.

The difference is there are still rich men at the top of steemit that are not contributing purportional to their share but are still holding and receiving a large % of the money and power of the network and the corruption trickles down - imo this model is still to close to facebook, it unnessarily slows network growth and eventually kills the network - The Last Network is the next evolution of that.

Not to say the initial founders and investors shouldn't be rewarded but it needs to be proportional to/freely given by participants within the network.

On The Last Network, reputation (KARMA POINTS) = money but Money will never fully ≠ KP. So you may gain Karma Points or reputation from a donation to a charity but the goal of the network is that no amount of money could buy an actor enough power to control the direction of the network.

For example if a wealthy philanthropist donated $1mil to a charity, they would receive Karma tokens, but never gain enough Karma tokens from that single action to make the $1mil back. Ideally there would be money caps in place and a degrading scale of rewards. (This would only be true once the network is near full effect, until then there could potentially be a decent ROI.)


The goal of The Last Network in the end is to redefine for society what Wealth truely is - from an accounting of your assets to an accounting of your person.

It's kind of like Elon Musk and the Dalai Lama vs the Koch brothers and the Wal-Mart heirs, all of them individually have more assets and possibly power then Elon and Tenzin but Who is more valuable and loved by the world?

As we are moving into a new age where technology and automation will eventually replace 95% of human manual labor and low level service jobs, it's important that these human energy savings are used to benefit all of man kind and not a select few. This network helps to ensure that future.

This network then becomes a truer to base reality accounting system based on the underlying beliefs of our society and nature.
i.e. All parties contributing are equally rewarded for their current contribution to the network as seen throughout nature.


**Starting Network Infrastructure **

This system was first envisioned and designed to run on technology 3-5-10 years from now, (magic leap type of AR glasses) to be a kind of Augmented Reality to Real Life overlay of your person but if I was adopt it to today's tech I would start with:

The foundation is the most basic and crucial part to keeping the network balanced and fair. I propose the starting architecture look something like:

100 billion starting Karma Points to be assigned the network

One account which I would run that start with 1% of total network total or 1billion KP which after 1 year or when the 1,111 creators accounts (see below) are created would revert to 100mil KP and eventually down to 10 mil KP to be equal to the network at such a time I felt like the foundation is corruption proof. We could have a deathswitch in the event I don't check in or am killed most of the power would be locked for a set amount of time and then revert to the network. Also open to other safe guards to insure the network and market are safe incase myself or the main account is compromised.

100 rotatable Board accounts with 10mil Karma Points

The job is to find 1011 of the top creators and curators in the world to upvote to 10mil KP for the network in order to unlock the board accounts to individual accounts and create 1,111 diverse uncorrupt individuals to lead the network

Ideally the first 1,111 would be people of very high character like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Neil DeGrass Tyson, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Stephen Hawking also ideally it would be 50/50 female to male and very diverse culturally.

Our network would ideally become the main source for breaking news and events these people would naturally want to read.

Maybe we get a few news outlets to release a couple of breaking stories a month in order to have decent stake on the network?

If this network takes off, there will be thousands of applicants that the 100 board will have to help sort through to find the most noble applicants to lead the network.

1,000 advisor, oricle, curators accounts - that would start with 1mil KP

The main job of this group is to bring to the network and dilute power to THE best content creators in world so they have a large stake in the network taking off.
Everyone wants being on the ground floor of the newest thing so we bring as many of the best in the world as we can from the start.

10,000 investors, content curators/creator accounts that pledge to produce original content for the network - 100k KP

Ideally we get an algorithm made that can spider through these top 10,000 individuals social media accounts and pulls all the numbers (followers, following, posts, like retweets - preferably it even checks against past snapshots so we can see whose already trying to game the system from the date of this post) and gives us a real good perspective as to the extent each individual is actually driving our culture and give KP proportional

100,000 early adopters, investors, creators, curators - 10k KP

The rest of the KP would be held in a fund to build the network - I prefer it be as transparent as possible

I envision a system that would display total accumulated KP which would for now cap at 10mil. Then a yearly, seasonal, monthly, weekly daily, hourly KP total leader boards with the top 1000 displayed and payouts proportional to % of KP in Karma Tokens. In order to really gamify the system and get people driven to create as much original content as possible.


Total: 10,000,000 Highest rep achived - MAX
Yearly: 1,283,837 - #5 on network
Summer: 333,333 - #1 on network
Monthly: 100,123 - #100 on network
Weekly: 15,000 - #867 on network
Daily: 1,111 - Not ranked
Hourly: 0 - Not Ranked

Also you would be able to automatically invest your daily KT payout towards your weekly payout / weekly towards montly, giving you a decent amount of bonus KP for helping secure the markets and network.
(this could also scale purportional to say total weekly KP - if you invest 1 day of 7 you get 3% extra on your weekly if you invest all 7 you get 25% instead of 21%)

This is where I need math peoples to step in a help find the balanced solution or we just keep tweaking it until we find balance.

This will create the biggest crowd sourcing machine in the world as people are fairly rewarded for every beneficial action, allowing us to create the most accurate data bases for future AR applications to build on (plant, insect, geographical, mechanical, educational information overlays.)


For anyone interested in building this that wishes to contact me privately:
Wickr: xblessedx

Please include your strengths you would like to add to the network and any experience or training along with any social media accounts if applicable.

This network will represent all views and prespectives, Everyone is welcome to apply. Please give time for a reply in case # headerthings get crazy. <3

Much Love

- Bless


0.159 GOLOS
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