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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



The Blockchain is a rapidly growing technology that is engulfing every possible business domain. Therefore, many reports published have predicted a huge rise in the Blockchain market. According to reports, the Blockchain market is expected to extend to over 20 billion dollars by 2024. It is counted in one of the most promising new technologies that are hoped to change the future of businesses and the internet.
Fundamentally the rise in cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations. One such firm at the forefront of blockchain innovation is MEMORITY a platform providing solutions to the problems of data storage, it is a secured,standard and well guaranteed means where we can store our data files and other informations securely,protected from our enemies or any individual that we intend not to provide access to.


Memority is a blockchain-based platform for encrypted decentralized storage of valuable data. They aim to create a self sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of businesses,government and individuals for secure storage of all kinds of valuable data. The blockchain is a promising solution in today world to several sectors, using it by this platform will enable them to provide a long term storage of well secure data, protection of the data from deletion or unapproved view to other individuals and hackers.

The system automatically keeps 10 files copies in independent storages all over the world at all time. Files are encrypted with a private key that only their owner has. Memority employs the same data protection technology as used in blockchain-based wallets.

The system will function with user data protection even if there are no more developers of platform-based applications, developers of the platform itself, or up to 90% of hosters will be lost at the same time. Full self-sufficiency, the built-in self-cleaning mechanism and the decentralized nature of the functioning allow the system to exist and work for many years without outside management.


• Storage decentralization
• Creation of several file copies in independent storages
• High payments to hosters for providing space for users’ files storage
• Decentralized process of file copies checking and restoration
• Storage protection from cluttering with useless data
• Anonymous cryptocurrency as means for storage payment
• Interface for third-party app developers
• Material rewards for third-party app developers
• Data encryption with a private key that only data owner has
• Free data storage availability
• Complete anonymity
• Storage safety and files restoration independent from file owners
• Complete independence from centralized systems
• Files’ hash-codes storage in blockchain for data authenticity verification


All user files loaded into the system are encrypted with a private key only their owner has, so no one else is able to get access and view the content.

Protection from accidental deletion and forgery:
By default, the system always creates 10 copies of each stored file on independent storage locations worldwide and then monitors their availability, integrity, and authenticity. The blockchain database stores unique hash identifiers of data, which are regularly checked for possible fakes or forgery.

Motivation mechanism for hosters:
In return for providing their disk space, hosters can store their own data free of charge or receive internal MMR tokens, which will be used for all operations inside the ecosystem.

• Data encryption using your private keys
• Protection of the data from accidental deletion
• Protection of data from forgery
• Completely self-contained and independent system
• Motivation of all participants
• Mining technology: Proof of Authority (does not require costly equipment)
• API for applications development

With the aid of its API, Memority permits third-party inventors to come up with desktop and online applications for decentralized encrypted data storage of different types of data. Developers are motivated by being prized with 5% of payments for every stored file that was uploaded using their application.

In addition to these, Memority’s platform uses a Proof of Authority which means the computing power is useless in the procedure of creation of blocks and will not escalate with time. Memority’s token cost and the token investments are protected from inflation.


The MMR Tokens are the universal currency token to be used in the platform, it is to be use for making any transactions,means of payment as a reward to the operators. The company’s platform intended to roll out its tokens sale starting-date May 31, 2018. The ICO will be active for a period of one month. The company plans to end its token sale on June 30 2018 or if its target funding is achieved. The soft cap target is $ 5,000,000 USD while the hard cap target is $ 85,500,000 USD. Memority’s platform is based on ethereum tokens and individuals are required to use ethereum to buy the Memority’s tokens. The initial cost of the ICO token is set to be 0.1 USD.

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You can get your tokens here: https://memority.io/buy_tokens

The MOMORITY platform in clear terms has come up with the solutions to the problem of data storage, it is a secured,standard and well guaranteed means where we can store our data files and other informations securely,protected from our enemies or any individual that we intend not to provide access to.





WEBSITE: https://memority.io/
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3952669
WHITEPAPER: https://memority.io/docs/whitepaper_memority.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://m.facebook.com/mmority/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/memority
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/frvrty
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@memority/

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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