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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


The global blockchain in retail market size was valued at $83 million in 2018, and is projected to reach $11.18 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 84.6% from 2019 to 2026. Blockchain in retail provides on-time delivery, real-time information, and record-time service for retailers. Moreover, blockchain assures reliability, quality, product safety, and authenticity along with allowing supply chain partners to know about their products location. These factors drive the market growth for blockchain in retail industry.

The influx of people into the cryptocurrency market has made an astronomical rise in the adoption of blockchain technology. Numerous supporters, investors from different field of professions and businesses around the world have embraced new technological innovation which has helped reshape the world. Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations One firm at the forefront of this innovation is MozoX.

MozoX Platform

MozoX is a blockchain incorporated stage that is resolved to build the pace of pedestrian activity to disconnected business industry in such a manner that will spare exertion, cash and furthermore time. The idea of the stage will supplant the customary eminence program and this will without a doubt acquire incredible improvement the part.

MozoX and it is a decentralized application for both entrepreneurs Retailer App and shopper App buyers with their own internal token (MozoX). Moreover, it is important to note that the project has been developing for about three years and has applications available for download for both IOS and Android. Which makes them easily accessible to any type of device.

At the same time, the MozoX platform itself provides simply unlimited opportunities for every entrepreneur who has his own offline business. After all, all he needs is to install an application on his device and Retailer App to choose certain categories for which he would like to encourage his potential buyer who entered the store. At the same time, in order to calculate such buyers, it can also install a special sensor that will read the device of the user registered in the MozoX system. Thus, to give it priorities inaccessible to ordinary buyers.

Let's say you're a shopper and you're walking through one of the malls of your favorite year, and you have the Shopper App installed. So you go between the shopping pavilions of different boutiques and suddenly get on your mobile device notification that now in the store by which you pass, the action is valid. Participation in which you will bring not only a pleasant purchase, but also a bonus expressed by the internal token of the system. At the same time, if you pay for the purchase in these (MozoX) tokens, you gain even more advantages.

And all that sort of thing. In fact, the business owner himself can customize the loyalty system within his application as he sees fit. It can even be a nice bonus in the form of charging a small amount of tokens to each incoming buyer just for the fact that he just looked into his store. I know, many people may think it is irrational to distribute tokens to everyone who enters. However, let's remember how much on average one entrepreneur spends on advertising, during which he expects to get customers?! The answer is many and many. Even in this management there is a so-called graph estimated cost per client.
So why not use this same amount not just in the advertising budget, but immediately pay directly to your client?


MozoX project and its internal token. After all, the advantages of the project is simply a huge set. And the first thing I'll probably start with is the ease of operation of the system. Everything is available in the mobile version of the application, and therefore does not require any additional skills and knowledge in managing your account through the Retailer App. Secondly, entrepreneurs will finally be able to customize how they want the passing traffic of buyers, luring them directly with their first-class advertising offer.

For buyers, this system also presents potential benefits and usability. Since the loyalty system will acquire a new, decentralized character. This means that by receiving MozoX tokens and paying with Them in any stores in the world (who are registered in the Shopper App), customers will have more freedom and benefit from their purchases. Moreover, at the moment more than 38 thousand different offline stores have joined MozoX, ready to offer you the most favorable and pleasant conditions. That believe very it is important given imperfect system loyalty, present in classic the form of what she there is now.

Token Details

If we consider the MozoX token in more detail, at the moment it is presented on the basis of the Ethereum Protocol, but in the very near future the founders of the platform plan to switch to their own Solo blockchain, which will give us a completely new peer-to-peer network. In this case, the total amount of coin supply will be limited to the issue and equal to 500,000,000,000 MozoX tokens.

Additionally, every dealer will be given MozoX-in-a-container bundle and the certain number of MozoX tokens will be sans given of accusing to them likewise of specially crafted Beacons. Income creating openings that is being offered by the stage can be tried with the MozoX-in-a-crate bundle by the traders before submitting spending plans on ordinary use premise, isn't that stunning?

The accessibility of the stage's application (MozoX business application) that enables the trader to transfer their item showcasing security so as to permit buyers to find items will likewise go far in urging more clients to belittle organizations.


Website: https://mozocoin.io/products
Telegram: http://bit.ly/MozoXOfficialTelegramGroup
Facebook: http://bit.ly/MozoXOfficialFacebook
Whitepaper: https://mozocoin.io/assets/media/White_Paper.pdf
Twitter: http://bit.ly/MozoXOfficialTwitter
Medium: http://bit.ly/MozoXOfficialMedium
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/MozoXOfficialLinkedin
IEO link: https://www.probit.com/en-us/ieo/mozox-round1/1

Bitcointalk Username: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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