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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


Blockchain technology is one of the most important technologies of our time. In particular, the use of the Internet, as a result of the invention of smartphones blockchain technology to help spread the important elements. We live in a highly volatile world; 10 years ago, the current location is very different. The acceleration of technology is truly fascinating and continues to make our lives easier. Technology is a phenomenon that can be quite useful when you remove negative elements such as social media, gaming addiction. One of the most concrete examples of this is bloc chain-based cryptocurrency. Thanks to crypto, we are now able to make money transfers with fewer commissions, in a shorter time, 24/7. While Bitcoin does this in an hour, Ethereum performs it in 2 minutes or more. Ripple allows you to transfer your money in just 4 seconds. This incredible technology has really changed our perspective on money. Blockchain technology not only affects money but also affects many areas. These include artificial intelligence, education, gaming, health, banking, e-commerce, investment and many other products. Only 10 years have passed since the famous anonymous hero Satoshi Nakamoto's article, the sound of this technology has spread all over the world.

The financial industry has been unexpectedly shaken and faced with a number of challenges concerning trust, reliability, and value. Traditional banking is now deemed outdated and somewhat unreliable as consumers and businesses are seeking alternative options for their transactions and assets. As a result, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have disrupted the industry entirely. It has completely transformed the business of large financial institutions, retailers, and international businesses, changing the way payments are conducted and fulfilled.


PZM Cash is a cryptocurrency created as a means of payment for a fast-growing digital ecosystem in which the economic motives of each individual participant provide an increase in the overall wealth and wellbeing of the entire community.

The main strategic success factor for PZM Cash is the fact that it will be relying on the growth of scaling and balancing of supply and demand for funds.

The key difference between PZM Cash and the “classic” PoS concept lies in the mechanism of ensuring the network with monetary supply. The PZM Cash team refrained from a full emission approach when generating the first block. Only 1% of the total number of coins will be distributed when the network is launched using pre-mining. The remaining coins will be issued during post-mining as incentive payments to loyal PZM Cash holders for supporting the network.

How It Works

Innovative technology: Usage of modificated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm and sidechains to provide security for the main ledger

Decentralization: Decisions on updates and changes are made by a majority of votes using the option built into the native wallet 60 seconds is the average time for generating a new block which ensures stability and network development

Smart Contracts: The ability of using the cryptocurrency to create decentralized banks, exchanges, credit services, exchangers, casinos, betting shops, games and applications

Web3.js Technology: It allows to conveniently use the wallet as an access key to sites and services in which cryptocurrencies are used as a means of payment

Open Source Code: All the data will be freely available on GitHub with an SDK for applications based on PZM Cash

PZM Cash offer innovative technology through the implementation of advanced Proof of Stake Consensus Algorithm coupled with SideChains to provide tighter security for the main ledger. In addition, PZM Cash Wallet is 100% decentralized wallets where PZM Cash can be stored. With Webj3 features in the blockchain, wallet users have opportunity to use some online merchants where Crypto payment is accepted. Besides, community decisions and changes are being conducted through votes.The votes option can be found in the native wallet .PZM Blockahin also have Smart Contracts which allows developers or any kind of users to develop their own DApps through the use of PZM Cash. Users can create casinos, games, exchanges, credit services, and more application by using PZM cash. Users will be able to create smart contracts on PZM Cash platform and developed any form of DApps they desired.



Ticker: PZMC
Exchange rate: 1 PZMC = $0.15
Total emission: 9, 000, 000, 000
Pre-mining: 90, 000, 000
Amount on sale: 63, 000, 000
Acceptable currency: BTC, ETH, EOS, TRX



Website : https://www.pzmcash.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://pzmcash.com/docs/WP_MARCH2020_ENG.pdf
PRESENTATION: https://pzmcash.com/docs/PZMC_PRESENTATION_ENG.pdf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/pzmcash
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@pzm_cash
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/PZMCash/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/pzmcash

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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