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5 лет назад

Soraix - Equity Token & Crypto Currency Exchange Platform

Blockchain technology brought about by Bitcoin makes it possible for individuals and organizations to run a currency known as digital currency as an application on a network in a decentralized manner. This technology gives individuals the opportunity to create their own specialized cryptocurrency for laudable projects and also give other individuals the opportunity to key into such projects by purchasing tokens of projects that interest them.
Individuals can mint cryptos and other individuals can own such cryptos by taking part in crowdsales and ICOS. But all these cryptos are useless without an exchange. An exchange is a platform that functions as a market place where cryptos are listed and cryptos users or holders are given the opportunity to exchange one crypto for another or convert their cryptos to fiat currency.
There are many of such exchanges in existence but these exchanges are not devoid of challenges. Some of the challenges faced by some of the popular exchanges in existence are limiting the mass adoption of cryptos by some well established organizations and individuals. Some of such challenges include:

Security challenges
Lack of transparency in exchange operations
Unauthorized freezing of users’ accounts and loss of funds
Lack of regulation compliance
Slow transaction speed and high transaction charges. Etc
All these challenges are what SORAIX has come to address.


Soraix is a registered and licensed equity token and cryptocurrency exchange platform in Switzerland. The goal of Soraix is to radically change traditional stock exchanges to become more modern, secure, and faster with tokenization through blockchain technology. Goodbye to the old technology and welcome to the blockchain.

Soraix will prove that in the future private or public companies can get access to funding easily through Soraix equity tokens and an exchange platform that is better than similar platforms, which meet user needs.

The Soraix Team are professionals who are familiar with the cryptocurrency market. They know what are the problems and what is needed by a trader or investor. Especially for traders, Soraix is a place built by traders for traders. The team from Soraix strives to adapt and assimilate to the needs of traders. Every inch and user experience is highly considered, so users can be comfortable using Soraix.

Soraix is a cryptocurrency and equity token exchange platform that will be the best partner for investors and traders. By using Soraix, both investors and traders can get convenience, for example, Soraix will change traditional stocks to be modern and safe by using a tokenization system and a trading platform that is powerful and can be relied on by traders to meet their financial needs.

Soraix Features

  • For Traders
    Retail merchants will be offered a wide cluster of both basic and complex exchanging instruments and highlights, including a normal income sharing model.
  • For Investors
    Soraix will empower speculators to secure computerized portions of organizations as value tokens and exchange them for

About The Products

Equity Tokens
Soraix will also offer a broad network of equity tokens (issued by public and private companies offering their tokens on Soraix) available to be traded on the Soraix platform.

Dedicated Blockchain
Similar to the popular exchange platform, Soraix built its blockchain technology. Which will significantly reduce costs and make operations more efficient.

Social Trading
Soraix allows users to copy trade portfolios from others, with this the user can increase their chances of getting profit from the cryptocurrency market.

Leverage & More
Same as trading platforms in general, Soraix has features of leverage, margin calls and swaps for advanced users.

Token Offerings
Private and public companies can raise funds through the Soraix platform by issuing their equity tokens that can be traded on the Soraix exchange.

Swiss Security
Switzerland is famous for their laws that are flexible with the world of technology, especially blockchain. Thus, users do not need to worry about their security in using the Soraix service.

Revenue Sharing
Users have the opportunity to get revenue sharing through equity tokens issued by the Soraix platform.

Global Reach
For better user experience, Soraix will be available in a variety of languages ​​including English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), and others.

How It Works?

The native token that will be used on this platform is the SRX token, where this token acts as the main transaction payment tool for each transaction process on their platform. SRX Token will be based on blockchain technology to meet the criteria as the main transaction tool on this platform and use it for various services on this platform. This token is designed to overcome various problems in this sector using a digital token system. The value of the SRX token will be tied 1: 1 to the various segments of the token trade that are available on their platform.

Low pay is another great feature of Soraix. Cryptocurrency exchanges sometimes charge high fees for processing and transactions in the platform from their customers. This problem led Soraix to offer a solution for traders and introduced a new platform that charges low fees.

The Soraix platform is designed in such a way that traders will be offered unique trading tools and a good income distribution model. Investors on the Soraix platform will be allowed to exchange their capital for another or any other type of digital assets on the platform.

High level of trust and transparency, a good user interface are other features of the Soraix platform. A good user interface is an excellent feature of Soraix, in which both new and existing users can navigate through the Soraix system.

Token & Distribution Details

Token Name: SRX

Platform: Ethereum

Price: 1 SRX = 0.00025 ETH

Soft Cap: 4,500,000 USD

Hard Cap: 24,000,000 USD

Country: Switzerland

KYC: None



WEBSITE: https://soraix.com

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/soraixico

WHITEPAPER: https://soraix.com/static/whitepaper.pdf

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5176405.0

FACEBOOK: https://twitter.com/Soraix3

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Soraix3

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/Soraix

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/soraix/about/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/soraix_exchange/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8WLuNIkqO6glunvpw9B1Pg

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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