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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


A new era of currency began with the arrival of Bitcoin in 2009 and thus, cryptocurrencies started to build up the momentun that would allow them to dominate the financial market. Thanks to the innovative Blockchain technology, new cryptocurrencies emerged, each one with distinct characteristics that would not only set them apart from the rest, but would also provide investors with a whole different variety of benefits that have not only revolutionized the traditional financial system, but also conceded cryptocurrencies a high investment potential.
The blockchain technology created for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies grants important advantages to invest in this asset, particularly due to the fact that its control does not depend on a central authority and most importantly, the confidentiality of its transactions, providing a sense of security in the investor. These advantages that set cryptocurrencies apart from other currencies explain their rapid growth in the financial market, their popularity reaching even the mainstream media and catching the attention of many companies and investors.

The commerce of digital assets has allowed the exchange of different cryptocurrencies among millions of users in the network, that is to say, the globalization of said market.
The public demands continue to grow, being necessary to develop trustworthy platforms where they can feel safe when making their transactions. With this in mind, the UPROSE developed a revolutionary multidisciplinary exchange that will turn the contemporary exchanges on their head. Uprose provide traders with bigger scope and advantages as they trade from it and that will include the possibility of dealing with the highest valued resource which is gold and also the top coin BTC and then have the benefits of using them to acquire the fiduciary money and using them as they wish.


UPROSE multidiscipline exchange is a concept that will turn the contemporary exchanges on their head. No wonder then that it’s called UPROSE – “What an exchange should be”. This will create a paradigm shift in the way different asset classes are traded and understood today.

UPROSE is not just disruptive, it’s the 4th dimension in cross asset class trading that supplants the first 3 dimensions. UPROSE expects to marginalize the stronghold of the nodal centralized exchanges and through the underlying blockchain make trading and holding digital assets (which includes futures, forwards and structured derivatives) easy and interesting.


An Exchange platform with Simple and Basic User Interface

The crypto community is full of a variety of people with different knowledge in cryptocurrency trading therefore it would be very suitable to design a cryptocurrency trading interface upon which both experienced and crypto noobs can conduct their trading activities safely. The graphic user interface of UPROSE is well defined with labels that direct members in their transactions. To make it even simpler, the exchange support channels would also make available short educative videos that would also help traders in their trading.

Provision of Timely Customer Support

In addition to creating a very simplified and basic user interface UPROSE Exchange platform also provides a 24/7 technical support to all the queries of its users. With the help of bots inculcated into the platform which would help in the answering of frequently asked questions of users on a timely basis to ensure that users are relieved off any hustle that they may inquire in their trading activities. In the cases where these bots cannot assist with the queries of users, they would be forward to human technical support which is also available on daily basis. UPROSE provided the best of customer support to assist traders in their daily transactions.

A Secured Trading Platform

The safety of funds is off a high priority when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. The recent security breaches that are occurring on some exchange platforms scares investors from cryptocurrency investments. UPROSE however provided an exchange platform that is well secured and built with several additional features that you cannot find on any exchange platform. UPROSE goes beyond the use of Google Authentication to include Biometric Security Systems which has proven beyond doubts to be one of the most advanced security features. The use of all these security features would prevent cyber fraudsters and hackers from having access to the accounts of users registered on UPROSE Exchange platform.

UPROSE Exchange platform comes along with a whole lot of features that could not be mentioned in this piece of writing, please refer to the whitepaper or website for more information about UPROSE Exchange platform.


The UPROSE Ecosystem has many differentiators that make it the first choice for the discerning traders.

Safe & Secure
Utility Tokens
Multiple Payment Options
Seamless Withdrawal Options
Near Zero Latency


Everything is basic, the venture idea is very basic. The organizers were persuaded that everybody could have property rights to either real estate parcel, so it was conceivable to get it with the assistance of an undertaking token. What isn’t really in the nation where you get one hectare of land explicitly for horticulture should be possible remotely. In the meantime, the proprietor will most likely control every one of the procedures that happen on the site, from harvests to harvests, purposes of transportation and deals on store racks. The majority of this will permit to control quality and limit mechanical expenses.


Our multidisciplinary trade of UPROSE is an idea that will change contemporary trades over their heads. No big surprise it’s called UPROSE – “Trade what ought to be”. This undertaking will make a change in perspective in the manner in which distinctive resource classes are exchanged and saw today.

UPROSE isn’t just irritating, it is the fourth measurement in cross resource class exchanging that replaces the initial 3 measurements. UPROSE plans to underestimate the nodal brought together trade fortification and through the basic blockchain making exchanging and capacity of advanced resources (counting organized prospects, forward and subsidiaries) simple and appealing.


Token Allocation

Fund Allocation



For more information about this project please visit the links i have provided below;

Website: https://www.uprose.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.uprose.io/Uprose%20WhitePaper%20V%201.0.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UproseFin

Twitte: https://twitter.com/Exuprose

Medium: https://medium.com/@uprosefinmart

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/UproseFinMart

Author: BrainerdPaul

BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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