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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

YUSRA - A Revolutionary Unique System of Real Assets

The fever of blockchain seems to take on most of the current industries as we know of. Bitcoin showed us a glimpse of a world without banks and financial institutions. More and more blockchain applications are joining the race today. And what is really important, these technologies are suggesting that they can revolutionize the very way we live our lives today.
Many think that blockchain business applications will soon face a bubble-burst similar to the one seen in the cryptocurrencies market. Nonetheless, the technology just keeps evolving and coming back with new areas for its business applications.
Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations One firm at the forefront of this innovation is YUSRA.


Yusra brings you to the future as well as your single real assets system yusra sera a blockchain cryptocurrency project whose task is to become a complete payment system with a community developed and fully prepared with this innovation with the ability to attract newcomers these innovative methods such as Yusra will all have a totally free decentralization of third party regulation, with the speed of over 500 transactions per second, making it a differentiator but with a scalability of up to 25,000 transactions per second, worthy of the methods thus acts anonymity blockchain wants in turn to guarantee the security of its funds as a whole without requiring personal data Yusra counts on liquidity the presence of a real exchange for withdrawal, thus security is provided by blockchain technologies in general with the multilevel platform security system, Yusra vote agrees with team s with new ideas, everyone can vote for the most promising, so everyone can participate in the development of the project as a full-fledged investor, with the portfolio everyone can easily explore new cryptocurrencies with partners so the team together can diversify their income in general this will improve as the whole investor and developer relationship for more information visit the site and read the white paper for more technical details

The Yusra network with its magnificent platform has been fully updated and thus performed as professionally as possible to best meet everyone's needs, as well as the overall result of which various functions have been added and activated as the optimized POS accumulation, thus the engine reinforced reinvestment, makes Yusra unique but on the market, with enhanced key wallet transfer mechanism, so enhanced mining wallet transfer mechanism will be a great way with the 24/7 customer support department as a result of the technical work on the platform, it will cause some users to have temporary difficulties in using certain functions, according to the team with solution to all including by reinvesting, POS balance or is always voided. because of this, users have received additional bonuses and or POS reinvest, so that after the upgrade, the system will recalculate the Yusra coins that were previously overpaid and therefore adjust future payments to eventually even out the effect of increased POS accumulation, thus at the time of posting this message the system is fully operational, according to the technical team this all masestability and reliability as a whole can achieve high scalability.

How does it work?

A member of the network can organize his Node to attract stacks of other holders to it.To do this, he needs to go through the process of registering the node and pay the Commission.

A system that will be frozen in the core of the node as a "zero balance". After installation, the node appears in the General list of nodes running on the network and becomes available for entry into other participants. Each subsequent member of the node receives a serial number (1,2,3 etc. ), and the size of its stack is written as the total size of this Node.

For example, you create a node and freeze 1000 nodes inside the core as a "zero balance". The first member who wants to join Your node enters it with a stack size of 500 coins and is obtained ordinal number 2. After him, 10 more people join the Noda, each with a stack size of 5000 coins.

As a result: Number 1 (You) have 50500 coins to calculate the increasing % rate (+2.25%) 'Number 2 has 50,000 coins' and number 6 has 15,500 coins and +1.5% to its yield.

In addition to these 3 increasing coefficients, there is still the possibility of reinvestment.- the amount of money earned.


The name of the coin: YUSRA
Ticker: YUSRA
Total possible emission: 40 000 000 YUSRA

YUSRA blockchain is open source and in addition to the core functionality the token has its development - to confirm the transaction within the network



Website: https://yusra.global/

Wallet: http://app.yusra.global

Twitter: https://twitter.com/YusraGlobal

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yusra.global.invest

VK: https://vk.com/yusraglobal

OK: https://www.ok.ru/yusra.global

Medium: https://medium.com/@YusraGlobal

Telegram: https://t.me/YUSRAGLOBAL

#YusraGlobal #Yusra # CryptoYusra # BlockchainYusra

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409
ETH Address: 0x1461b1E13ac15B849B8fa54DcFa93B3961992642

0.651 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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