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6 лет назад

What kind of Car you gonna get when your Bitcoin Rich?!

I often find myself thinking about a fantasy world where Bitcoin is $500,000, what type of whip I wanna be rockin when I attend Steemit meet ups around the country. Never in real life upto and including this point would I ever consider dropping the type of loot it would take to buy one of these luxury cars, but I just wanna make sure I am prepared now to make the best decision when 500k BTC comes. I have narrowed down my choices to four cars I would love to drive just in case Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are wrong about the future of Bitcoin. I am torn about the decision because I love them all but unless we see 5M dollar BTC....I’ll only be able to get one. 😔

The White & Black Convertible Bently GT.
No other car on the road screams “Class” more than the Bently in my opinion. I have seen the interior of two Bently GT’S and if the car drives as good as it looks, I don’t know how one could go wrong. This car is straight Grey Pupon on a fresh polish sausage!

The Orange Ferrari
Nothing in the world would make me happier than to pull into Mile High Stadium on Monday night football driving this beast! I would find the largest group of sorry ass Kansas City Chiefs fans at the game and park this right next to the 1975 Winnebago they drove to the game just to let the little red and yellow booger pickers know they lost before the game even kicked off. You don’t even know how to tailgate or cook BBQ till you done it in an Orange Ferrari.....please GOD let this happen! You Suck Chiefs!!

The Stealth Lambo
Murdered out black so Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger will never know it’s me doing donuts in the Berkshire Hathaway parking lot. I would leave a two inch thick tire tread in the shape of a Bitcoin just rub Warren and Charlie’s face in it during their daily wheelchair ride into work. At some point I would probably blow my cover because the temptation to roll the windows down, crank up the Kid Rock and flip the bird going 130MPH at Warren would just be to great for me.
“Hey Warren....got anymore of that Rat Poison”

The Maserati
Maybe the ultimate combination of Style, Class and Speed. In a car like this, the world is your oyster. Even though this is the “cheapest” car of the bunch, it packs a lot of bang for your buck. The first time I ever saw one of these on the road down in South Florida it made me wanna drive straight to the B.I.N.G.O parlor to make my riches!

It sure is gonna be a tough decision because bitcoin is going to hit 500k someday. Depending on how the football season goes for the next five years, I might just buy this mean ass Peterbuilt and drive it right through the middle of a Chiefs/Raiders game in the Black Hole just for maximum bitcoin rich pleasure!!!!!
What kind of Whip you gonna get?

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