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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


The VOLENTIX DAE (digital assets ecosystem) announces its native multi-currency peer-to-peer wallet, VERTO, is available for immediate download. Constructed on customized EOS.io technology, VERTO is designed to facilitate personal custody and local management of private and public keys for use in peer-to-peer transactions, with the goal of eliminating risks of devastating losses of stake associated with traumatic failures of central operators.

Volentix is envisioned to be a community-powered decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Through the members of its community, Volentix is self-governing and self-organizing. Profits are redistributed to the community through VTX, the native currency necessary to use any of the Volentix decentralized applications.

Although organization and governance will be distributed amongst Volentix community members, initial development is sponsored by companies within the Volentix development network. Currently those companies are Volentix Labs in Canada, Pythagoras Systems in Greece, and Semantic Labs in Bulgaria. More partners will be invited to join the Volentix development network to ensure maximum development of infrastructure for the Volentix community as a whole.

The core values of Volentix — the guiding principles that inform all decisions — are the following:

•Decentralization of Governance

•Decentralization of Profit

•Open Source

•Personal Privacy and Security

•Community Transparency

The goals for distributing VTX are:

•Adding population to the Volentix ecosystem

•Increasing the value of VTX

The Volentix Pillars consist of:


The flagship DApp (decentralized application) of Volentix is called VDex, a next-generation, extensible, customizable, decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform that will first prioritize the financial and data security of its users (by not possessing users’ information or assets) and, secondly, facilitate cross-blockchain exchange. Rather than depositing funds with a centralized exchange to perform trades, users of the VDex will always retain custody of their funds in their own virtual wallets.


Verto is the multi-currency wallet that will allow access to VDex. Private keys are maintained in this wallet and are accessible only by its owner, thus preventing access from hackers who might otherwise target an exchange. When a trade is made on VDex, the funds are temporarily locked until either the transaction is completed and the new funds become available, or the transaction is cancelled and funds are again released.


As VDex is a decentralized exchange, new currencies can be freely listed for trading. To prevent trading of worthless, nonexistent, or even dangerous cryptocurrencies, Vespucci protects and informs users by offering ratings and rankings of each currency. For this to be achieved, social, technological, and market data is mined, producing a comprehensive set of metrics using deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. These metrics are visualized as widgets that can be embedded in any site which desires transparent analysis of cryptocurrencies. The same metrics are used to rank all currencies to allow users the benefit of making more informed decisions.

Verto Wallet

The VERTO wallet integrates three other core applications to support VTX, the native digital asset of the Volentix DAE. VENUE is a dynamic community platform that recruits and aligns members of the Volentix community. VESPUCCI is in development as an analytics engine accessible via a user-friendly interface with real-time and historical market data, including digital assets ratings and sentiment analyses. VDEX is envisioned as a distributed, decentralized digital assets exchange with emphasis on user experience.

VOLENTIX LABS is developing a digital application known as VERTO, an innovative downloadable wallet to support peer-to-peer digital asset transactions while ameliorating the risks of using a centralized third-party exchange.

VOLENTIX also plans to recruit and incentivize a decentralized developer community to maintain and evolve the core applications supporting VERTO and the other pillars of the VOLENTIX ecosystem. Our commitment is to promulgating open source code and to sharing innovative ideas with full functionality for making proposals within a robust governance structure aimed at increasing efficiency and preparing for artificial intelligence micro-transactions within the Internet of Things.

Website: https://volentix.io/
Whitepaper : https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/volentix/VDexWhitePaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Volentix/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/volentix
Telegram: https : //t.me/volentix
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/VLabs/
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5048597

My Account:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2061725
Wallet Verto : EOS5sqcSEq1pAu7udvEgFmRjnNLZM7544BTEbgumy5zSx7PJJbBAA

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