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6 лет назад

Why You Must Choose CCN ( Custom Contract Network )

The blockchain is changing the world as we know it today.
It solves one of the greatest problems know to the mankind: it removes the need of trust. The way blockchain solves it by creating an unalterable trail of anything that needs trust to operate.

But there is lot of power within this technology. The power to extend the above property to create rules that need to be followed as written, where every action leads to some reaction. In other words, smart contracts.

By now, if you’ve done your research into cryptocurrencies and blockchain you’ve probably heard of the term “smart contract” at least once before. If you haven’t, this article will give you a good introduction to what smart contracts are

CCN is one of platforms to introduce the concept of smart contracts in the blockchain, and enjoys the support of biggest developer community. It boasts turing completeness of its smart contract platform. With safe contracts we mean that you can specify and automatically prove properties of your contract.

These contracts already possess multiple advantages over traditional arrangements. This number is likely to increase in the future as the technology improves.

Industries like banking, insurance, healthcare, and real estate stand to benefit from adopting this technology. These industries are built upon a system of clear rules, algorithms, and quantifiable terms of engagement.

  • Automated contracts are less suitable for industries where service levels are qualitative in nature, such as hospitality, food, and beverages.

For now, here are ten benefits to using them.

  1. Accuracy

One of the primary requirements of a smart contract is to record all terms and conditions in explicit detail.
This is a requirement because an omission could result in transaction errors. As a result, automated contracts avoid the pitfalls of manually filling out heaps of forms.

  1. Transparency

The terms and conditions of these contracts are fully visible and accessible to all relevant parties. There is no way to dispute them once the contract is established.
This facilitates total transparency of the transaction to all concerned parties.

  1. Clear Communication

The need for accuracy in detailing the contract results in everything being explicit. There can be no room for miscommunication or misinterpretation.
Thus, CCN can drastically cut down on efficiency lost to gaps in communication.

  1. Speed

These contracts run on software code and live on the internet. As a result, they can execute transactions very quickly. This speed can shave hours off many traditional business processes.
There is no need to process documents manually.

  1. Security

Automated contracts use the highest level of data encryption currently available, which is the same standard that modern crypto-currencies use. This level of protection makes them amongst the most secure items on the world wide web.

  1. Efficiency

A natural byproduct of the speed and accuracy of these contracts is the efficiency with which they operate.
Higher efficiencies result in more value-generating transactions processed per unit of time.

  1. Trust

Smart contract generate absolute confidence in their execution. The transparent, autonomous, and secure nature of the agreement removes any possibility of manipulation, bias, or error.
Once solemnized, the contract is executed automatically by the network.

Smart contracts are self-executing, self-enforcing contracts. They are governed by the explicit terms and conditions laid out within them.
These virtual agreements can facilitate the exchange of money, content, shares, property, or anything of value.
The self-executing nature of these contracts provides a tremendous opportunity for use in any field that relies on data to drive transactions.

For more information about CCN please follow the link :

Website : https://customcontract.network

Whitepaper : https://customcontract.network/whitepaper

Telegram : https://t.me/ccntoken

Author : hanungcuy

Eth address : 0x5D9c85305838696B64B0C90539aC74d435362973

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