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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Futures on BTC, ETH and XRP go to the largest German derivatives market.

Eurex German Derivatives Exchange plans to launch futures contracts for digital assets associated with Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP. According to The Block, launch is inevitable.

The parent company, Eurex, the German stock exchange operator Deutsche Börse, reportedly planned to introduce cryptocurrency from December 2017, when bitcoin was trading near its historic high of $ 20,000.

Eurex crypto futures are part of Deutsche Börse’s efforts to expand its blockchain-based applications and products.

In March 2018, the exchange announced a partnership with HQLAx, a FINTECH company specializing in providing liquidity solutions to institutional clients. Companies are developing a lending offer in the form of securities based on the commercial blockchain platform R3 Corda.

Deutsche Börse says the initiative has made significant progress, and six banks have confirmed that they will join the platform on the launch date, which is scheduled for the first half of 2019.

Eurex was founded in 1998. This is the seventh largest derivatives exchange in the world, according to data collected by Statista, and the fifth largest stock exchange in terms of futures contracts for individual stocks, traded in 2017, according to data collected by the World Federation of Exchanges.

CoinFLEX London Crypto Derivatives Exchange also plans to launch physically supported futures for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash.

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На Golos с January 2018
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