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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Hardfork Ethereum is approaching, according to rough estimates, it will occur on February 28.

Hardfork Ethereum is nearing. It is known that it will occur at block 7,280,000. Recently, it was said that the update will occur on February 25, but the timing has shifted slightly. According to Amberdata.io, most likely, it will take place on February 28.

The long-awaited update will make significant changes and improvements in Ethereum (EIP), which will positively affect the specification of the main protocols, client APIs and standards of contracts, etc.

However, this is not all. Considering the fact that last year there were several random forks that were caused by confusion due to previously canceled updates. As a result, the upcoming hardfork will include an appeal to the original characteristics of Constantinople.

Despite the fall in the cryptocurrency market, Ethereum is doing well. It is possible that this is due to the new hardfork schedule. At the moment, this cryptocurrency is estimated at $ 148.16. Over the past day, sales amounted to 3,364,038,803 dollars.

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