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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Veteran mobile games and eSports Kevin Chow runs a gaming company on the blockchain.

Kevin Chou, an American video game expert and entrepreneur, as well as CEO and co-founder of Kabam, announced the launch of Forte, a new gaming startup aimed at changing the look of the game using blockchain technology, a press release on February 21 said.

In an effort to create a reliable peer-to-peer gaming ecosystem based on the revolutionary technology of the distributed ledger (DLT), Kevin Chow collaborated with other experienced entrepreneurs in the video game industry to create Forte.

Chow Company, Kabam, is an entertainment company that has developed several popular multiplayer games, including the popular Marvel Champion Competition for smartphones.

With the support of video game veterans from companies such as GarageGames, the creator of Torque 3D and several other game engines, Unity and Linden Lab, the creators of the Second Life virtual world, Forte seeks to create a reliable platform for game developers to promote the wider adoption of blockchain-supported peer-to-peer technology. economy in both new and existing games.

Despite the emerging blockchain technology, the solid foundation that underpins bitcoins and other digital assets has recently become widespread in various industries, especially in the financial ecosystem, where it is used by fintech firms to facilitate cross-border payments.

On February 22, 2019, BTCManager announced that the American hockey team LA Kings announced the start of using the blockchain technology to verify the authenticity of goods.

In an interview with VentureBeat, Chou noted that, although the advent of free games and cloud games allowed game developers to publish their games on social networking platforms such as Facebook and mobile devices, the system offered little incentive for developers, as most game players were reluctant to pay for a service.

Against this background, Chou hopes to use blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer trading economy that minimizes risks for all parties in the video game industry.

He said that the blockchain provides new growth vectors and the ability to act differently, and they are ready to make the blockchain ready for the mass market and actively collaborate with developers to create a game-driven game economy that will benefit developers and players.

In particular, the Forte team is focused on developing decentralized solutions and products that would make it easier for game developers to integrate DLT into their games, thereby speeding up the introduction of innovative technology.

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