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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад


Reputation mechanisms

Many blockchain systems were designed based on redundancy, authentication and reputation. These systems have distinctly designed but directed to a group of off-chain suppliers. These off-chain present their results separately. If a person contests these results, an arbitrarily selected participant resolves the issue. The reputation procedure of these systems dissuade and inhibit misconduct, but it is not evident that they are impervious to the frauds or bribes, especially if the outcome of the computation could be financially beneficial.
Cartesi is designed to resolve disputes and disagreement through an established system based on the logarithms of space and time needed for the computation. The Cartesi nodes do not encounter the storage and time needed by computation, more than twice. Other regular computation that do not require any resolution, use minimal resources.

Trusted execution

Enclaves are attributes that support hardware and let the users apply beginner level code (or even advanced) to make a private and integral execution environment. Enclaves provides protection from superior privilege level processes. The enclaves run the computation which are not reproducible. Remote attestation in place of verification is like trusting the manufacturers of the hardware. This renders the system centralized, which may to be acceptable depending on potential number of disputes, the application itself and the capability of the manufacturer. Even with these issues, it is considered on the most important elements of the blockchain. The Cartesi system does not involve enclaves. The security of the Cartesi is guaranteed by the Cartesi Nodes system. It is employed by using two different modalities within the off-chain element of Cartesi network. It involves the reproducible and native nodes within the off-chain. These nodes operate independently and together to create a highly secure system by empowering the entities involved in a smart contract. By enabling the Cartesi Machines to link with nodes with the aid of a precise host interface. The RISC-V architecture help in allowing the Cartesi Nodes to execute the requirements to execute any computation off-chain. By providing this system, Cartesi has created a reliable and trusted platform for the users. They can design and develop DApps on a decentralized network of Cartesi. At some point, the enclaves and Cartesi can be integrated within the blockchain together to create an even better solution to issues with trusted execution.

The local computations on a blockchain are facilitated with the use of systems involving zero knowledge proofs. Zk-SNARKS and zk-SNARKS are two examples of implementations of these systems. The zero knowledge proof systems attain the verifications is a quickly and privately, with least interaction. But these models are limited and are developed from the arithmetic course with no control flow. Due to this reason, they do not have the ability to run arbitrary code and do not have the distinct feature of being Turing complete. But with more development, these systems are being used in safeguarding the identities of entities participating in any transaction. Cartesi intends to use the zero knowledge proofs systems by implementing into its off-chain environment. This could help Certesi achieve an even better security and verification system.

Here all the details of Cartesi Company

Website Link: https://cartesi.io/
Whitepaper Link: https://cartesi.io/cartesi_whitepaper.pdf
BitcoinTalk User: DarrinEspacio
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/cartesiproject
Medium Link: https://medium.com/cartesi
BitcoinTalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2100288
ETH wallet: 0xB7B5bFe859307172BaCEEB1141C5ddbF8836973c
Writer TG: @Jaquelin9
Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/cartesi/
Official Telegram Link: https://t.me/CartesiProject
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/cartesiproject
Official Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2As__5GSeP6yPBGPbzSOw

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