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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Review Digital Gold  Overview of the project

Understanding completely well the significance of blockchain and digital currency to the world; I wager that we are for the most part attempting to embrace at one point or the other. Since blockchain is the best thing to happen to the world a decade ago and even the present world.

My past word about the Digital Gold Platform underscored about its starting and enormous arrangement offered to each one in the crypto money world either a beginner or devotee or expert; so while we comprehend the rise and the significance of Digital Gold tokens; we have to likewise see how it fills in as a riches stockpiling and furthermore as a verified wellspring of speculation.


As we know that steady coins are the request for the day; as usdt, and it's preferences. With the bearish market steady and alarming merchants of late; pretty much every dealer likes to verify their riches in usdt or tie down to tether to guarantee that the plunges don't influence their capital.

With Gold Tokens, you won't need to stress over the plunge or the bear showcase. We should adapt more underneath.

In any case, before at that point; what is Digital Gold stable coin by and by?

GOLD token is a low unpredictability stable advanced resource; it depends on the etherum Blockchain and is an erc-20 token; more or less; Gold is a steady coin in erc20 mode; with the support of the Gold coin itself. The Gold token licenses you to exchange convincingly without uncovering your personalities and different highlights of the Digital Gold Platform incorporates the accompanying:

- Liquidity: Knowing completely well that liquidity of a coin is the capacity of the coin to be changed over into fiat or different coins effectively; Digital Gold satisfies this job superbly, on the grounds that it is consistently popular and it's worth is constantly coordinated with the market cost of gold itself.


- Long term security: Crytpo money today accompanies such a significant number of vulnerabilities; however Gold offers venture security, with Digital Gold token, and future of gold itself; Gold token will be empowered to go about as a Stable Coin. Keep in mind that the advanced gold token can be put away on a few perfect wallets (esp. erc-20 wallet). Models are:





*Trust Wallet

*Ledger Nano S and other erc-20 bolstered wallet application

- Opportunity to store wealth: Every one on the planet knows that gold itself is a store of riches and store of significant worth, yet with Gold token adaptability and simplicity in purchasing, selling, putting away, exchanging and trade; gold token remains a solid hold for crypto dealers and speculators to store riches.


- Low cost, no charges: With the expect to make gold token exchanges basic, fast, and free of charges is the reason the advanced gold stage has the token on the etherum Blockchain and you are allowed to make boundless exchange on the stage.

Digital Gold is truly a great project that deserves attention, Digital Gold has professional teams with years of experience in blockchain technology, moreover, the ideas and things they offer are really true. very convincing people. With the high liquidity and the security of the company, I can be confident that Digital will grow and develop more. Above are some of my personal comments and reviews about the Digital Gold project.


TELEGRAM: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin
WHITEPAPER: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20
WEBSITE: https://gold.storage/en/home

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