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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SIDERA. Hardware purse smart watch. ICO Review

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We will consider with you one more very interesting project today. On a wave of interest and development of the sphere of cryptocurrencies very tempting and functional idea!
It is in fact new option of a gadget of the full-fledged purse playing a role, a smart of hours with a totality of components. There are several moments which very attractively distinguish SIDERA product from the ordinary smart watch or cryptocurrency purses...

Convenience of carrying. Nevertheless finding of a bracelet on a wrist does free hands and saves from need to watch pockets. You won't forget a bracelet on a table it won't drop out of a bag

Safety. Besides classical fayervol of e-wallets and confidential phrases the gadget is equipped with the biometric analyzer. Before carrying out any financial transaction the device carries out the analysis of a body on which it is. Makes comparison of biometric parameters with the owner's parameters set at setup of the device. Even at loss of a gadget he will remain inaccessible for strangers.

Autonomous transactions. There is no need to make special connections for carrying out financial операцитй.

The device is equipped ** with the NFC module **. It means a possibility of payment practically in any shop worldwide.

Multifunctionality. The device comprises all opportunities of the smartphone. From notices and the watch before function of trading floor and the generator a QR stroke of codes.

Functions of a hardware purse are completely provided with the Blockchain technology. Absolutely decentralized system on your wrist.

The road map is painted widely - till 2021.

** Purposes:
$ eQUOS=0.5 token
Softcap 1,5000,000 USD
Hardcap 15,000,000 USD

Distribution of tokens looks as follows

The team is submitted very impressive, advisers for economy, business, lawyers developers and so on. For persons interested there is an opportunity to get acquainted with profiles on linkedin.

Also as one of the main partners the IBM corporation is stated. And it is not the so comic assistant.

And in conclusion I want to tell

The project is functional. Has the minimum finished goods. Team of the project more than impressive. Stated purposes also look quite plausibly. With all aforesaid the probability of the successful program and entry into the market in full is very high. In my opinion the project successful and interesting option for investments. I remind this my opinion. For adoption of any financial decisions study official documentation of the project. This review isn't the sufficient basis for adoption of similar decisions and reflects only opinion of the author. All of progress!

Website: https://sidera.io/
Whitepaper: https://sidera.io/docs/v1.0/Sidera_Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/sideraofficial

— Autor: upbit
— Donate: 0x4954c5CbB96ebD73EA18a1F3ECefc98362BF10F2

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