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5 лет назад

How to become a professional?

«It takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve a high level of skills with the status of a world-class expert», from “Geniuses and outsiders” by Malcolm Gladwell. 10 000 hours —
three hours a day for 10 years, which is not so little. Below you can see five tips how to become a professional faster.

Plan properly

Many traders do not achieve goals because it is difficult for them to correctly estimate the skills. The newcomer is trying to triple the profit in a month, and the proffesional does not launch their trade courses considering this to be an unachievable dream.

To achieve the goal you need to structure it by dividing into small subtasks. Ideally, you should have four plans:

  • for a day — always to be on the move;
  • for a month — to distribute your forces;
  • for a year — to have something to strive for;
  • for five years — to have some target for future.

It is better to plan tasks for the next day in the evening and adjust them in the morning. Donald Ros in his book "Time Management for Creative People" advises to break all tasks in blocks, three in each. So it will be easier to complete the planned.

Prepare in advance

One of the obligatory rules of Hell Week according to Eric Larssen is to prepare for a new day from the evening. Beginners often miss training, do not make a plan of topics and they start to learn everything. Such training is ineffective.

How to prepare:

  • Make a list of topics that need to be explored.
  • Prioritize them - what needs to be learned first.
  • For each topic select the appropriate sources, blogs and books.
  • In the calendar, mark when and what you will study.

If you spend every evening 30-40 minutes analyzing mistakes in trading, write out the skills that need to be improved and adjust the basic plan - the training will be much more productive.

Form your environment

So that no one distracts you from the goal, gather the right people around you. Entrepreneur Yuri Belonoshchenko, confident in the power of small steps, advises to make a list of 25 people - those who will be useful to you.

Do not include family members in the list. It should consist mainly of traders and analysts. You can get acquainted with the traders at specialized events, forums and Telegram community.

Focus on your aim

Many traders do not move beyond their bar because they are constantly distracted.

Take your PSP away, put trading books and post photos of cool traders in circle. Turn off the phone and social networks during classes. Give up bad habits, spend less time for meeting with friends. Remove everything that interferes you.

To focus means to make the goal clear and everything else blurred.

Keep the beat

At some point, training will seem boring, motivation will disappear and there will be a desire to take a break. But if you do not practice regularly, magic will not happen.

In order not to stray from the rhythm, change the time and place of your classes. Make the process interesting - reward yourself for good work, work out with a friend-trader, start a blog and tell about your experience. This will help grasp the material covered.

Good luck and profits!

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