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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Orionix - the game revolution

Since we live in an era of digital change, where technology integrates into all areas of activity and solves all traditional problems, providing value to customers. Similarly, there is a new trading platform for games, items and services that use ORX tokens based on the blockchain technology with a no-fee system covering operating expenses and coining of its own currency. Orionix's main goal is to provide a platform for security, exchange and communication between players. It allows not only players to use new or used games, but also objects, skins and accounts for ORX tokens. The goal of the project is to unite the game universe into one token, creating a single value for all values. Regardless of whether it is MOBA, MMORPG, FPS, RTS or any other, the Orionix team will provide the best trading solutions to all your favorite user games.

Orionix is a platform for the exchange of games and items without any commission. In addition, the team created a unique ORX token, which will cover operating expenses as a means of interaction between users. First of all, the project aims to promote communication, exchange and security between players. Now, any gamer from all over the world can use the Orionix platform and trade in their new and used games as well as objects, skins and ORX tokens.


1. Who will use the ORX platform?

Players from around the world will be able to use the ORX platform to buy and sell items, accounts, and services online.

2. What are the benefits of investing in Orionix?

As the first participant in the Orionix platform, you will become a decisive participant in our visionary project and get high profits.

3. Who is the team behind Orionix?

The team is led by people from key sectors of the video game industry and blockchain-cast actors. This variety includes programmers, financial and legal consultants, and marketers.

4. How can I buy an Orionix token?

You can buy ORX by sending Ethereum (ETH) and BTC (Bitcoin). Click here to register an account.

5. How can I protect my Orionix token?

You can create a wallet on MyEtherWallet or Trust Wallet. Tokens will be sent to your wallet immediately after ordering.

6. How can we see the Orionix specifications?

You can familiarize yourself with the Orionix specifications on our website.

Principle of operation

The Orionix team hopes to create a strong connection with independent developers so that they can communicate with the participants and allow them to interact with them. Independent developers will also get access to the referral system, through which they will be able to attract a new member and earn ORX tokens as a reward. This initiative will help both parties to get a win-win situation and will take a step towards success and development.

With the advent of blockchain technology, there is an urgent need to create the next generation digital distribution platform to meet the growing demand of users. The Orionix team has set itself the task of applying this revolutionary revolution and keeping up with the times in order to add value and satisfy the needs of users.

The advantages that come with this innovation:

  • Easy exchange: immediately trade ORX tokens on popular exchanges.
  • Cost-effective solution. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, ORX is a non-commissioning system that allows users to buy / sell without paying the commission charged by most traders or platforms offering this kind of trading. For the company, it is imperative to ensure security and constantly updated. Although it is not surprising that people from the gaming industry lead the Orionix.io team, as well as Blockchain technology lovers, programmers and financial consultants.

ICO main details

ORX = 0,1$

Soft Cap: 300 000$

Hard Cap: 42 000 000$

ICO: 01.08 - 01.11

The team working on the product

Road map

You can still talk a lot about such an innovative project as Orionix. But as you know, time is not unlimited and in order not to delay it, I leave all the necessary and important links below in the description. There you will find competent answers to all your questions when studying the project. In general, one can say that a project with such an idea will bring profit to its users and investors already in the near future.

Additional Information:

Website: https://orionix.io

Whitepaper: https://orionix.io/Orionix_ENG_Whitepaper.pdf

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5158615

Telegram: https://t.me/OrionixOfficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/orionixtoken

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrionixToken

My BTT profile: CryptoSam19 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2531795)

ETH: 0xaB45d7B3c5Baa3bb33DDe80230CaD983F669aAdF

0.353 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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