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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


The blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem has been existing for over a decade, where it has accumulated increasing numbers of investors and enterprises significantly giving out development and growth to several areas of the global economy. According to reports, more than 80,000 projects that leverages blockchain technology have been established worldwide but of these launched projects, only atleast 8% are active and operational. The failures of numerous blockchain projects isn't discouraging businesses, companies and entrepreneurs from losing interest in blockchain technology. Most of these projects were originally hyped as the ultimate tool for a dynamic change eventually, these projects end up collapsing miserably without having any positive impact.
The problem which leads to the downfall of several blockchain based projects usually begin with the founders. Some founders have no experience in handling the affairs of their established project where they make poor choice of setting up team members comprised of programmers and technicians with expertise in creating blockchain powered applications but lacks complete knowledge of the proposed project leading to incapabliliy in building efficient marketing or team and inefficient allocation of project resources. Therefore a project can only succeed by first building the right team that can effectively manage the affairs the project. Another issue is that most blockchain projects are launched with the complete focus making profits and fame while ignoring the main purpose of the blockchain projects, which is to utilize the features of blockchain technology to tackle the problems on the focused sector of the economy.

Improper Management of Funds is a problematic phase that can cause the collapse of blockchain projects. When project managers carelessly spend funds on unimportant plans or things that aren't beneficial to help the project attain it's goals can result in a devastating blow, which may ultimately end the life span of the project. As previously stated, a strong team is always the first step to ensure a blockchain project becomes successful, this also applies to strengthening the project foundation where the realization of a powerful team can help counter and prevent problems that may arise. This can help motivate the team members to work harmoniously and removes the mindset of launching a project for the sole purpose of earning money, ensuring the project achieve it's main objectives.
Although, not all problems that cause the failure of blockchain projects is associated with the team and funds mismanagement, absence of roadmap can also destroy a project completely. Roadmaps functions as development plans or schedule of a blockchain projects or any other projects. It helps project managers to avoid deviating from the project plans, assuring complete timely attainment of goals and objectives.
So far, many blockchain projects have fallen prey to these problems while few others have overcame the challenges and became excellent tools that provides practical solutions and benefits to the world. If you are interested in blockchain technology and desire a blockchain project that is well developed to face the challenges of the everyday cryptocurrency market and survive without falling apart , then Yusra Global is the right choice.

Yusra Global is a decentralized blockchain platform that enables easier operation in payment and contracts of businesses, investors and interested persons. Yusra Global is supported by professional team members who work in cohesion to make sure the project is properly managed in aspects of money, company operations and driven by community development. Yusra Global is built on the foundation of waves blockchain whereby the Yusra cryptocurrency is designed on the main core known as Yusra blockchain which enacts Yusra cryptocurrency as waves token.
The availability of a web wallet enables Yusra Global users to effortlessly store their valuable Yusra coin and other cryptocurrency assets securely. The Yusra coin can also be purchased and traded on Waves Decentralised Exchange (Waves DEX).
Waves DEX is a decentralized exchange with superb user friendly and robust features. Being a decentralized exchange, waves DEX allows users to gain full control of their private keys, hence they can manage their assets, safely trade without inconveniences and complete absence of third parties is guaranteed. Another interesting fact about the waves decentralized exchange is that you can easily trade and withdraw without any placed limitations, furthermore, commission fee for each order is low, making waves Dex, an ideal trading platform. You can trade Ysura coin which is listed on the waves decentralized by first registering on the platform afterwards you secure your private keys. Waves Dex Login is quite simple, which takes you to the Waves DEX simple and user friendly interface, click on the Dex tab to open the Dex, then search for Yusra on the search bar. Yusra and listed trading pairs will be revealed, then you can place your order for a buy or sell.
Waves Dex : https://dex.wavesplatform.com/

The Yusra Global platform is accessible globally, where you can easily register and pay a little commission, which gives you complete access to advanced services from the Yusra Global payment ecosystem. Engage in the Yusra Global Blockchain Ecosystem, manage your assets easily and attract potential businesses and firms which will enable more development and stability of the ever expanding Yusra Global payment ecosystem.
#YusraGlobal #Yusra #CryptoYusra #BlockchainYusra

Get more information about the project by using the links below ;
Website: https://yusra.global
Wallet : http://app.yusra.global
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YusraGlobal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yusra.global
VK: https://vk.com/yusra.global.blockchain
Telegram: https://t.me/YUSRAGLOBAL
Medium: https://medium.com/@YusraGlobal

My Bitcointalk Username : Johnson Knight
Bitcointalk Profile URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2326370;sa=summary

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