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5 лет назад

AoSpooling Review


If you’re thinking blockchain is just a marketing buzzword dreamed up by techies and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, you couldn’t be more wrong. When used correctly, blockchain has real-world use cases that provide solutions not seen in any other technology.

From mobile payments, supply chain management, and shipping to border control, land registry, and energy distribution, blockchain technology is being utilized in an exciting number of ways.
Blockchain technology is offering real change for everything from global industries to communication methods.

Thanks to its transparency, increased trust, and decreased reliance on third-parties, blockchain technology is being used to store business data, authenticate images/videos, and even decrease insurance costs. Because a blockchain distributed ledger is very difficult to corrupt, greater trust is achieved in decentralized data. In order to change the data on the ledger, everyone on the distributed ledger would have to agree to the data change (not going to happen!).

Before we proceed lets get to know more About the project, trough the short video

Overview of AoSpooling

AoS is a platform that truly makes the best of cryptocurrency exchanges and investments. There is a lot of buzz today about cryptocurrency but the truth of the matter is that not everyone is getting it right. AoS has developed several strategies that will ensure that anyone who invests with them is always going to smile to the banks.

As they understand that nothing is more important in a business relationship than trust, AoS has cultivated a solid network based on trust, integrity and reliability with their customers. Apart from the immense profits that you stand to gain, there are other reasons you need to sign up with AoS.

AoS understands that true partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and speaking in a world-class spirit. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency, but because of poorly trained and bad apples in space; these people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.
Due to the uncertainty you need AoS. We help you navigate the cryptosphere so that you don’t have to worry about stress or confusion. You collaborate with experts with production experience. Honesty is at the heart of our organization. We are taking significant steps to make you feel comfortable with your investment. In the end, what do we really bring to the table? Well, we did it.

Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don't make it to an exchange

This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don't have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well - we get it done.



We are not trying to figure all of it out. Much of it has already been figured. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with people hard earned money. Our goal is to use all of our combined experiences to grow your assets.


Much of our team has operated under licenses in which governmental scrutiny is an unavoidable reality. This gives us an edge on competitors who haven't operated in such environments. You don't want to pay for them to figure it out.


You will know precisely the status of your koyn. You will have access to everything you need to know and more to ensure you are always in the know. We believe in the marriage of new school tech and old school values.

Scarcity Gives Value

Our Investments are based on scarce tangibles so there will always be value. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are prime targets; real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.


Multi tranches are better for early contributors

20%: Reserves

60%: Real Estate Assets

5%: Airdrop

2%: Contributors and Advisors

10%: Founders

3%: Bounty and Marketing


With a mix of property types we can find the very best deal

10%: Industrial

10%: Land

35%: Multi-Family

25%: Residential

20%: Commercial


Most funds are associated with acquiring projects

5%: Marketing

85%: Real Estate Identification, Securing, Development, Sales

10%: Administration, Operations, Legal

Website: https://aosinvesting.com/

Whitepaper: https://realkoyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/AoS-Real-Koyn-Whitepaper-1.10.pdf/

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5217535.msg53603060#msg53603060

Telegram: https://t.me/AoSpool

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AoS-Pooling-Art-of-Science-122718612451666

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AoSPooling

Publisher Information

Username: walesodiya
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

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