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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"Bitguild" Trade and sell your in-game assets. ❤️ ICO LIVE.

Hello, subscribers and readers of Golos! Today I want to tell you about the Bitguild project. In recent years, the development of blockchain technology has become increasingly undeniable in all areas. In this respect, the development hit the game market - a miracle-growing bazaar, the number of users, the quality of the game and earnings.
Players do not forget to mention the characters, trophies and virtual property acquired in any this irge. However, they are often sold or stolen, in fact, which causes a large number of public tasks. Finally, how can one be sure that the player's assets are real?
Bitguild is the answer, which is considered a probable conclusion of the remaining tasks of the gaming industry.

BitGuild is a fresh and innovative game platform, which invites users with an interesting skill thanks to the necessary functions of the blockchain technology. On this platform, players have every chance to apply tokens for these actions, like business, release, savings, transaction.
It is assumed, in fact, that Bitguild will deliver a large number of forces and superiority to players, successful players have all the chances to gain the benefits of investments or acquisitions. One of the key advantages of Bitguild is that it actually gives users the highest permission and "real possession" of characters and qualities in this irge. This right of ownership allows users to feel improved and be more relevant in this Irge.
Bitguild still gives players a lot of fun, collaboration and competitive games with other buddies around the world. Users will have access to all the masters in the world of recreation, in fact, which will lead to a significant increase in important public interaction. More you can find on the official website of the company: https://www.bitguild.io/.

Bitguild is aimed at a more promising gaming market with a strong rise (more than 10% per year).
The thought of the plan is good. It is supposed, in fact, that within the framework of the plan the current issues of the gaming industry related to swindle and payments will be considered.
Bitguild has a team of skilful founders, creators and consultants in the field of video games, blockbuster technology and business. This time from the moments that determine the triumph of the plan.
Bitguild has a distinct road of formation with a uniformly capitalized state, with no extra fees in the pre-release stage, avoiding the issuance of the later ICO.
With blockchain technology, players have more control over their own characters and possessions in this game, and the role of the player is further increased.
With Bitguild, players will experience the usual content, marking and selling of game assets.

Token: PLAT 1ETH: 80,000PLAT
The smallest acquisition: 0.5ETH, maximum 1,500ETH
The time now is: 16/03/2018 00:33:33 UTC to 05/04/2018 06:59:50 UTC

Thanks to a strong, skilful, enthusiastic and highly qualified team, and a strong way of becoming, Bitguild promises to be a flashy spot in the silver industry. The intricacies of the original functions, the transparency of the blockchain technology and the spacious game market in the world will give Bitguild a more elevated degree, surpassing its own huge rivals and great triumph.

So, summing up, I can say with certainty that the project is worth attention.
To find out more about the project, click on the link below:


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