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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

What is BankEx? ICO starts November 28, 2017.

Hello friends, subscribers and guests on my Golos blog. This article will be about the platform BANKEX.
Today, we can observe a large number of projects based on the blockbuster, which are trying to bring the banking system into the 21st century. But when you start to investigate them, there are usually some illogical things, some unsolved problems exist without real solutions to solve them and their team members look like ordinary people who do not have any additional experience in banking or block chain. Nothing matters in this nodal chain.

And then a few days ago I found the project Bankex. I began to check the information on this, and the more I find, the more I was amazed at it. And after the completion of their long 36 pages of white paper https://bankex.com/en/whitepaper, checking all the profiles of the main team members and history, as well as detailed information about their road map and try to find things that are not logical in this. And at the end of my research, I must say - IT CAN MAKE IT!

BANKEX is an organization that unites participants of the financial market to create a community and implement the "Evidence of assets" protocol, which allows members of the community to benefit from the use of common assets.

BANKEX wants to make these efforts in the banking sector more or less dramatically affecting traditional finance, investment, microfinance, real estate, illiquid assets, markets for natural resources and derivatives. Blockchain needs huge investments and many processes, according to Igor Hmel (the founder and CEO of BANKEX), but despite the huge intervals of this innovative solution in our market, this is a great potential, and it is clear that the goal is the stabilization of the banking sector Blockchain. Hop added that BANKEX hopes that thanks to new methods, such as Blockchain, it will eliminate the problem with the banking sector and will be able to stabilize it.


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