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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"WinStars" ICO LIVE.

It's not a secret that many people like gambling very much. There were times when they left huge sums in the casino in the hope of breaking the jackpot. However, with the advent of innovative technologies, conventional casinos have become a thing of the past, and online casinos have appeared instead. At first glance it seems that the system has become many times simpler. After all, now in order to play the game, you do not need to go out even from home. However, the reality turned out to be completely different from what many people imagined. The creators of such resources in the pursuit of profit began to modify the algorithm of the game so that the probability of winning was minimal. And when they win, they can easily not pay money, simply by blocking your account for any far-fetched reason. The creators of the Winstars project, fully aware of the complexity of the situation, decided to develop a platform based on blocking technology, which will allow to solve this problem once and for all.

Platform Advantages

  1. Transparency of the system. Thanks to the technology of blockchain, you can easily track the honesty of any game;
  2. Guarantee that the payments will be made in full;
  3. No hidden commissions. This means that all commissions that will be levied from you will be pre-registered. It should be noted that they will be much lower than those that are now. The platform guarantees that if you win you will not see messages like "To withdraw funds, you need to pay an additional 5% of the winning amount";
  4. Ability to play on small stakes;
  5. No need to identify personal data;
  6. All the capabilities of the platform will be automated, thanks to the use of smart contracts that have already proven their effectiveness in many areas of our lives;
  7. No restrictions on the number of transactions;

    ICO project will start on June 3, and it will finish on July 3. The cost of 1 WINS token is $ 0.2, buying now you get a bonus of up to 20%. During the ICO, it is planned to implement 80.5 million WINS tokens ($ 16.1 million). The collected funds will be used to launch the platform, integrate the WINS token and advertising and marketing activities.
    Accepted cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH
    To store tokens, developers recommend using the following wallets:
  8. MetaMask;
  9. MyEtherWallet;
    Unfortunately, other wallets for buying WINX tokens will not work.

Distribution of tokens
A total of 150 million WINS tokens will be released.
69% of them will go token sale, 10% - to the team, 8% - to the game fund, 8% - to bounty and referral program and the remaining 5% will go to pay for the work of project advisers.

Winstars project will make the online casino industry more open and transparent. As a result, people will be more confident in the online format of the casino, which will increase the capitalization of the entire industry at times. At the moment, the project has a lot of positive feedback from the media, which certainly further increases the level of confidence in it. I recommend investing in the project because of its prospects.

You can not only make money on reselling tokens, but also help create a platform where people can not worry about fraud, and quietly spend their leisure time. For more information about the Winstars project, you can find out in Whitepaper).

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