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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Decentralized Operating System from Essentia

The subject of security in the World Wide Web has long become topical for millions of users. As technologies develop, not only new opportunities, but also new threats appeared. These threats do not let enjoy the safe Internet. Despite this, we have a solution and this is the Essentia project that ensures the security and confidentiality for each user.
Thanks to professionals, it will be possible to avoid the most common threats and keep private files safe.
Unique System Creation
Besides software solutions, the platform management also offers several devices at the same time. For example:

  1. ESS-Keyware. A small device that resembles a flash card with its size. Due to this, the person can always have a secure Internet connection.
  2. ESS-Eggs. Computers that are specially integrated to work with the blockchain. They are not worse than corporate and personal devices in technical and functional characteristics.
  3. ESS-Sense. Connection modules that let connect to the platform.
    Such services are a chance to create the safe and projected Internet of Things. Thanks to Essentia, it is possible to significantly simplify a lot of procedures and make them automatic.
    The fast and proper fulfillment of the tasks will let minimize expenditures and ensure an absolute security at all stages of surfing on the Net. The project creators have a lot of ambitions, as millions of users can benefit from this regardless of their location.
    The blockchain technology is rapidly developing and the requirements for their security are also rising. Now everyone can enjoy the fast and secure Internet without threats for personal data.
    The full implementation of Essentia will have an effect on every user. However, it is too early to say this, as the project is just being developed. Despite this, much attention at this stage is an indicator that a lot of people are interested in changes irrespective of their social status. The technological complexity of conducting the procedures and the unstable functioning deters a lot of investors. Despite this, it has more advantages, especially if we compare Essentia with its rivals.
    WEBSITE - https://essentia.one/
    WHITEPAPER - https://essentia.one/whitepaper.pdf
    Telegram group - https://t.me/essentia_one
    ANN THREAD - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2704531.0
    ANN/ Ambassador - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2997600.0
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