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5 лет назад

CRYPCORE: Is A Platform To Solve Crypto Currency Problems From Obstacles Around Price Stability:


The Purpose Of Crypcore Exchange:
Crypcore Exchange is an instant exchange where you can swap Crypcore for other digital assets instantly; you do not need to get an account to use the crypcore exchange. The adoption of cryptocurrencies has bottlenecked price stability, creating stable coins to address volatility issues. Since joining the cryptocurrency space, stable coins have performed well, but many improvements are still taking place. Especially in crypto mortgage coins area. This white paper explores the possibility of creating cryptographically stable combinatorial coins that combine pure crypto exchanges, solvent systems, and Crypto note protocols. Crypcore is the creation of crypto assets that enforce a solvency system that eliminates price volatility while giving Crypcore the opportunity to grow. Crypcore essentially combines a crypto-collateralized digital asset with a payment system to ensure price stability.


Crypcore is forked from Monero which is built on the cryptographically secure and truly anonymous Crypto note protocol, the Crypcore ecosystem brings together a solvency equation, a pure crypto exchange and the Crypto note protocol to create a coin which has a stable price with price stability achieved by averaging the collateral increase with price fluctuations. To this effect Crypcore is a stable coin which operates in a fundamentally different way to traditional stable coins, we will call it a Dynamic Stable Coin (DSC). Crypcore will earn collateral from the fees charged on the Crypcore exchange, these fees will be added to the collateral of the Crypcore coin thus always increasing the collateral and maintaining the stability of the Crypcore Price. Crypcore is not to be viewed as traditional crypto currency stable coin but rather a new and innovative approach to achieving price stability in the crypto currency space.

Stable Price: Crypcore leverages the Crypcore exchange to maintain a stable price; this price will change occasionally based on a transparent price determining mechanism as found in the Crypcore whitepaper and the section below.
Exchange For Other Crypto Currency: You can buy any currency which is stable and top rated on the market having worth than 100M USD on Investing.com Market.
 Transfer To Debit Card: We do accept Debt card to buy Cryptocurrency from our Exchange with complete verification which will be confidential
Accessible: Crypcore has a variety of wallets that make it easy to use and make it readily available to a wide range of people. Developers who have worked with Monero will find it easy to integrate Crypcore into their projects.
Protection Against Fraud: We are using 3 layers for security and strict checking policy for every transaction. We do provide guaranteed protection from different top companies around the world
Anonymity: Crypcore is forked from Monero which is regarded as the best asset in the crypto currency market when it comes to privacy, Crypcore utilizes ring signatures, confidential transactions and stealth addresses.


Crypcore aims to be accessible to even non-technical users, wallets will be provided for a wide range of platforms. There will be desktop wallets, command line wallets, hardware wallets and web wallets. After the completion of the Web Wallet development for android and iPhone wallets will begin. The web wallet is currently in development you can find screen shots below.

a. Too much power on the part of the issuer: Stable coins can effectively be taken out of circulation at any time by the issuing organization. As an example the Omni Protocol of tether can grant and revoke tokens represented on the blockchain. With Crypcore this is not possible because of the technology that Crypcore is based on.
b. Over issuance: A big problem with most stable coins is that they are issued the same way central banks issue money, this makes them vulnerable to over issuance and susceptible to inflation Crypcore will not have this problem because the quantity in circulation is determined by the emission logic of the Crypto note protocol, and is visible to all.
c. Unstable Virtual Collateral: Virtual Collateral is itself unstable so using it to back a stable coin is difficult and confusing. By the end of this paper you will see how Crypcore hopes to solve this problem.
d. Highly Regulated: Fiat pegged stable coins are highly regulated and constrained by legacy banking systems.
e. Expensive, slow liquidation & purchasing: Liquidating stable coins can be slow because with most stable coin providers you need to wire money to your account which will incur bank fees. Purchasing can also be slow as you sometimes need to undergo KYC procedures and transfer money which can sometimes take days.
f. Complex Smart Contracts: For crypto collateralized digital assets like Maker Dai there is a problem of understanding. For regular everyday users the terms can seem unnecessarily complex. Crypcore will implement a very simple solvency equation system with easy to understand equation and parameters.
g. Poor Anonymity with stable coins: Stable coins do not offer any level of anonymity.

Crypcore will trade ERC 20 tokens as a funding mechanism to support the Crypcore Project. Details of the Crypcore ERC 20 tokens are:
Name: Crypcore Tokens
Supply: 130,000, 786





For More Information On Crypcore Project, Please Kindly Visit The Links Below:
Website: https://crypcore.com/
Whitepaper: https://crypcore.com/crypcore_whitepaper_version_1.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/crypcore_group
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Crypcore-106479097438958
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crypcore1
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/crypcore
Telegram: https://t.me/https://t.me/Crypcore_bounty

Bitcointalk Username: Dtotti78
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343031
My Eth Wallet Address: 0xc5A639F58CB8DeFfFF8513e2Ad5f28f46d678b74

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