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6 лет назад

10 and 1 way to buy airline tickets profitable

Airline tickets make up a significant part of the cost of travel and if it is not so difficult to find cheap tickets for 3–4 hours flight then intercontinental flights can exceed the cost of your entire trip. In this article, I will tell you how to save money on the flight and buy tickets for the lowest price.

  1. Use search engines. Thanks to those services as Aviasales, Momondo, Skyscanner you can see all the flight options on the market, compare prices and choose the most suitable options for you.

  2. Be sure look through the price calendar. Sometimes prices for next dates may differ significantly. As a rule, tickets for the weekend are more expensive.

  3. Book tickets in advance, but not too early, usually the lowest price is 45–60 days in advance. By this time, airlines generate the actual price and often hold sales and promotions. You can also buy a cheap ticket a day before departure if there are a lot of tickets left. But it is always a risk because if the demand for tickets is quite high, the price, on the contrary, can grow significantly.

  4. A lot of major airlines have sales several times a year, you can buy tickets there with up to 50% discount. Follow the shares of companies on their websites, you can also subscribe to telegram channels like Travelradar or PassOnBoard, which will send you messages with notification of discounts.

  5. If possible, fly in the low season, so you will definitely save on tickets, and also accommodation, in this case, will be cheaper.

  6. Buy round trip tickets, one-way tickets in most cases are more expensive.

  7. If you are not one of those people who like to take all of your clothes with you and the food is not the most necessary thing for you on the plane then use the services of low-cost airlines. The cost of a ticket to a low-cost airline is several times lower than the cost of a standard ticket.

  8. Also, the day of the week and time when you book tickets can effect on the price. It is believed that the most profitable time to buy tickets it is 1 a.m on Wednesday (local time of the city, where the head office of the company situated).

  9. Also, all experienced travelers know that tickets for night flights are always cheaper. Don’t forget to bring a night mask and then the flight will be unnoticed.

  10. Another maybe not the most comfortable, but quite profitable way to travel, fly with transfers. Sometimes the time between flights can exceed the whole day. But many tourists use that time to see the city in which they have a transfer. But you should be assured that you have the opportunity to visit the country where you have a transfer (explore the visa system).

  11. And finally, a way to save on airline tickets, which is suitable primarily for those who fly regularly, is the accumulation of miles. Many international companies provide this opportunity, the more you fly, the more miles you collect. Go to the airline’s website to learn more about their bonus program, often you can save miles not only using the services of the company itself but also paying with a partner’s Bank card or using the services of other airline partners.

In General, with the right approach to buying tickets, you can save a significant amount of money that you will surely be able to spend during your trip

The author of the article is Natalia Getmanova, copywriter of EasyGuide

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