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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Introducing Relictum Pro (Blockchain 5.0), The Fifth-Generation of Blockchain

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✔ What is Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology refers to the use of decentralized technology for distribution of digital information and assets in a secure and public way. The Blockchain network takes control from a centralized entity and gives it to the common man, each individual now has total and absolute control of his assets and funds viewable on a secure public ledger.
✔ The advantages of the Blockchain Network
Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology, the advantages it offers includes;
● A peer2peer transfer of digital information.
● Smart contract for other application such as business integration, signing and verification of agreements.
● Elections opportunities, a group of individuals with access and voting rights can make major decisions concerning a network.
● Exchange of assets and stocks via trading.
● Supply Chain Management for tracking and tracing assets and information (quantity and possessions) offering transparency, since the information on the chains cannot be tampered with.
● Guarantee of quality of a product, publicly viewable supply chain.
● Accountability as records are verified again and again by the network with zero human error, all records remain accurate.
● Improved Security,
● Speed,
● Low cost, etc.

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Blockchain Evolution
From its inception in 2009, Blockchain has seen a lot of improvements even though it's still lacking in some areas and have not achieved its goal of worldwide adoption. Before now there have been four generations of the technology;
· The 1st generation was the introduction of internet money, digital currency in form of Bitcoin.
· The 2nd generation introduced smart contracts and Ethereum.
· The 3rd generation made it possible to perform cross chain transactions.
· The 4th generation fixed issues with all previous generations and made the direct use and everyday application of blockchain technology possible.
· The 5th generation of blockchain which is an improvement of all the other blockchains has been introduced by "RELICTUM PRO".
The project Relictum pro has improved blockchain drastically, referred to as Blockchain 5.0, Relictum Pro in its Whitepaper has improved the speed of Blockchain transactions, having a speed 8,000 times faster than Bitcoin's. With the capability to store and process information from all activities carried out by private, public, business organizations, cooperations, government bodies, etc. We've experienced the start of blockchain's future.
Relictum Pro brings improvements to global telecommunications via;
● Voice Over Internet Decentralization improving speed, quality and giving back control to the people.
● Security of communication data, internet data and private data is assured on a scalable system.
● Optimizes bandwidth
All areas of life can be optimized using Relictum pro, not just the telecommunications industry.
✔ Relictum Pro Network Parameters (Brief Technical Details)
Being the first to use HyperNet communication system, Relictum comes with loads of additional features;
● Hypernet — a 4 dimensional network.
● A universal platform for storing all global events.
● Multidimensional chains and smart contracts usage and integration.
● Roles Node Hierarchical system to increase security.
● Network restoration and regeneration if ever there's an issue with functionality.
● Completely eliminates ambiguities increasing uniqueness and flow of genuine contents.
● Scalable to allow for changes in performance.
● World time sync.
● Unique distribution storage for private and public modes.
● A 3 level integrity check using hash to check circuits
● Confirming stored and used data periodically.
● Speed that rivals all others, up to 100,000 Transactions per second.
● No Fee. Completely free of cost, no transactional charges.
● Dynamic chains to accommodate different network speeds and types.
✔ Roadmap of Relictum Pro
✔ Team of Relictum Pro
✔ For more information please
● WEBSITE: https://relictum.pro/
● WHITEPAPER: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
● LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/relictumpro
● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/relictumpr/
● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/relictumpro
● INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/relictum.pro/
● MEDIUM:https://www.medium.com/@relictumpro
● REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/relictumpro/
● TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Relictum_Pro_Official
● TELEGRAM LINK: https://t.me/EbriDan
● BTT PROFILE LINK: Https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1768850

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