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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Relictum Pro(Blockchain 5.0)-- Best Modern Blockchain Startup

Relictum Pro is the latest version of the #blockchain technology, it is available for use by individuals, organizations, private and public cooperations including the government. Relictum Pro is designed for the purpose of improving the present blockchains capabilities and functionalities.
In Spain, Relictum Pro won "The Best Blockchain Startup" and received investments from StartupStudio.online at De.Days.
● A Short History of The Different Blockchain Generations
A Blockchain is a unique type of Distribution Ledger Technology (DLT) on which transactions (impossible to forge and manipulate) are stored publicly on a cryptographic signature which is called a Hash. The result being a trustworthy, transparent, fast and secure network.

✔ The First Generation of Blockchain
The introduction of Bitcoin as a digital currency solved the problem of centralization of assets and currencies, the transfer of funds between two individuals without any barriers was made possible, making intermediaries, third-party services and centralized services obsolete. This resulted in an ideal payment system.
✔ The Second Generation of Blockchain
The introduction of Smart Contracts was referred to as the second generation, customization of transactions was made possible and individuals could create tokens and distribute as a form of shares of an economy. Transactions could now be sent to other programing languages.
✔ The Third Generation of Blockchain
To solve the problems of the second generation (No Scalability), a connection was needed to be made between the different available blockchains. Resources and speed was optimized and cross chain transactions was made possible.
✔ The Fourth Generation of Blockchain
This introduced means for actually using blockchain technology, remodeling of business networks and platforms making them easier to use, it also solved the previous generations problems of cost and complexity.
✔ ✔ ✔ The Fifth Generation of Blockchain ✔ ✔ ✔
The introduction of the fifth generation by Relictum Pro solves all the current issues presented by the previous generations, issues that prevents the adoption of blockchain technology, problems of bitcoin and all present cryptocurrencies.
Relictum Pro is the next-generation blockchain with scalability and transactions of more than 1,000,000 per second.
With a blocksize 8,000 times smaller than that of Bitcoin, making the nodes usable on all known network and devices, such as Android, IOS, Smart Devices, Linux, Windows, and all those you can think up.

✔ Blockchain 5.0
Relictum Pro keeps records of all events/activities, public and private, business events/transactions, private and public documents/files, social events, transportation and other sector activities with an amazing organizing modes.
Block chain 5.0 uses all forms of communication method. TCP, IP Protocols supports. A virtual Circuit switching network for API, SDK and Relictum Pro personal SDK that supports all known programming languages.
Relictum Pro Integrates successfully into third party accounting systems, platforms, and can be used to organize these data.
✔ Relictum Tokenomics;

There are various reasons
✔ Relictum Pro Team
Providing more than 20 Softwares and counting, for specialized solutions on different programming languages, The team is made of experienced systems specialists, Mathematicians, banking experts, clients and server specialists, cross platform programmers, etc.
✔ Roadmap

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The fifth generation of blockchain is here and is scalable to allow for periodic upgrades, transactions are FREE, here is the best form of distribution ledger with loads of new features and solutions to all problems associated with cryptocurrencies, still in doubt?
✔ Visit and Read
WEBSITE: https://relictum.pro/
WHITEPAPER: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/relictumpro
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/relictumpr/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/relictumpro
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/relictum.pro/
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/relictumpro/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Relictum_Pro_Official
BTT PROFILE LINK: Https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1768850

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