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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Relictum Pro - Latest Blockchain (Generation 5.0)


From 2009 when blockchain innovation began, developers have used various forms of it in businesses, banking, telecommunications and many other sectors known to ma. The creation of many more monetary forms soon followed being that it brought about many desirable solutions to the problems faced in these sectors
Bitcoin was built to solve problems regarding centralization of data, Ethereum came with solutions for business to be distribute shares in form of signed smart contracts, EOS made it possible for multi layer transactions and platforms such as Seele introduced the era of real case use for the technology, these made-up the present four generations of the blockchain. All these technologies still presented some drawbacks, issues and problems.

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● Problems of the present four generations of blockchain.
The issues we still face are;
– A Rather Huge Block Size.
– Vitality Utilization.
– Adaptability Issues.
– Unreliable Exchange Rate.
– A Possible 51% Attack.
– High Transaction Rate.
– Etc.
Relictum Pro is the latest in Blockchain innovations, it is a project that brings solutions to all the above listed issues and all other problems facing all present day blockchains.
Relictum Pro is the future of the blockchain technology, it is a hyper current blockchain with all the latest techs, computer innovations, it is compatible with all systems, current blockchains, quantum systems, and has a functional nodes which runs on all operating platforms from Android, Mobile, IOS to PC, Linux, Windows systems.
Relictum Pro has four Smart Contracts models and they include;
I. Token Generation
II. Storage of Tokens
III. Signature of Documents
IIII. Conducting transactionsi

  1. The creation of a node network which is multi dimensional in nature and works with a master chain and sub chains for easy organizing of gathered data.RE
  2. Relictum Pro eliminates the issuea of all the previous blockchain Network ushering in a New era for blockchain usage
  3. Main chain and side chain managements for the increase and better utilization of storage space and size.
  4. With a better transaction speed than all current blockchains including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  5. SHA-1 security hashes are optimized and changed in Relictum Pro to assist clients and lend an extra layer of security to the network.
  6. The use of p2p network, new planned TCP/IP and Relictum Pro's own network for arranging information over the system networks.
  7. The ability to create four models super smart contracts.
  8. A three token model that covers all economic requirements.
    ● Conclusions and final thoughts
    With the improvements implemented on all chains and the new features still yet to be discovered using Relictum Pro, Relictum will be very successful in a short time. The company's projection predicts more time for full adoption, i think with it's easy to use systems on all devices a lot of current business projects will not only integrate into the system but would do a full Mainnet migration to use these unique features that is better than Bitcoin.
    A much awaited development as every technology needs upgrading and updating, Relictum Pro covers this aspect by being highly scalable and has already raised funds for developments and maintenance.
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    Website: https://relictum.pro/
    Whitepaper: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
    Medium: https://www.medium.com/@relictumpro
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/relictumpro/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/relictumpro
    Telegram Channel: https://t.me/Relictum_Pro_Official
    ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5221631
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/relictumpr/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/relictumpro
    ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
    Bitcointalk Username: EbriDan
    Bitcointalk Profile: Https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1768850
    Telegram link: https://t.me/EbriDan
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