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Jesus the Son, who has sent by the Father above is one. Whoever believes in the Son, believes in the Father. We accept who has been sent to the world, to be born to Blessed Virgin Mother, to give His life for a ransom for all. To save our lives from the bondage of sin. We cannot reject Jesus nor the Father, for they are one.
In life, it would be impossible to love Jesus and hate your neighbors. God is love. Whoever loves Jesus loves His thy neighbors.
It would be impossible to receive forgiveness and yet you have an unforgiving heart.
Jesus was sent to the world to save us, to forgives, to heal us, to rescue us.
Let Jesus be your light so that you may not walk in darkness.
If you have been living in the darkness of poverty, sickness, spiritual dryness, let be your light.
Surrender yourself, let go and let God do everything for you.
Whoever has seen the love in himself, has seen love to others. You can only see to others of who are you.

Our perception of others is always a reflection of who we are.
You see worth of others because you see the worth within you.
You see there is abundance in this universe because your mind is filled with abundance thoughts.
You might see the world is suffering from poverty simply because you have a poor mindset.
Start your belief and your perception and the reality will begin to change.
Change the way you think and things will follow to change.
If you cannot change the things you look at, change the way you look at things.
Jesus said, “Whoever sees me sees also him who sent me.”
You see Jesus is love because you have been loved by God.
You see Jesus is forgiving Father because you have been forgiven.
You see Jesus is a savior because you have been saved from the cross.
Thus, to see Jesus is to see who you are.
At the moment you are defining things is also tantamount you are defining of you are.
It would be impossible to believe Jesus and reject the Father or vise-versa.
To believe Jesus is to believe the Father because they are one.
To believe in love is to love thy neighbors. God said, “If you love me, loves your neighbors.”
To love is forgive, you cannot find love without forgiveness.
To receive is to give, you cannot receive more without giving more. St., Francis of Assisi wrote, “It is in giving that we receive.”
To see others is to see, who you are,
God said, “I have come into the world as light so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness.”
You have been walking in the road of darkness, experiencing bondage of sin, slavery of addiction, poverty and spiritual dryness, allow God to be your light. God is always there waiting for you to recognize Him. He is our hope in our darkest moment of life. God is faithful for his promises. God said, “I will never forsake you nor abandon.”
God is our hope.
There is no reason for us to be desperate. God is always our savior.
God is the way and the truth. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
The truth is you are loved, you are amazing, you are not an accident, you are here for a purpose, you are beautiful, and you are great, you are forgiven, you are rich, you are a perfect likeness of God, and you are worthy.
These truths will set you free from false belief and from the slavery of negative thinking.
God is coming in this moment to be your light to rescue you from the darkness of sin, negative thinking and doubt.
Allow God to control, to use you and you will be overwhelmed how God is good.
God is good, all the time.
You cannot receive forgiveness if you reject love.
You can receive richness if you reject gratitude.
You can receive healing if you doubt God’s power.
Thus, to receive love is to love God. It is in loving that we become love.
It is in love that you find love.
If you want to find, be a loving a person.
If you want to receive more blessings, be a giver of blessings.
Whatever we give always return to the giver.
Thus, to give is to receive.
Live the truth and it will bring you eternal life.
It is in loving God that we eternally love.


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