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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Sonata : The only cryptocurrency exchange you will ever need

Seamless trading experience with long-term profit both to brokers and holders. Wherever we looked, we always found flaws or discrepancies where there should be just a top-notch fintech product. Terrible UI, convoluted registration process, lack of basic exchange features or poor efficiency - these are only few of the most common problems. Sonata, our revolutionary exchange application, provides a solution to all of these issues and adds a plenty of new ideas to the game.

Our product is built with security as the highest priority. All coins are securely stored on cutting-edge hardware wallets. The user-friendly interface of Sonata is fine-tuned for beginners and skilled brokers alike. It is packed with advanced functionality, including custom AI price prediction. Sonata is not the first cryptocurrency exchange service on the market; in fact, it is one of our advantages. This allows us to evaluate some of the projects that have already taken place and the practicality of their functions. Unlike the leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms, Sonata will not have to change an already functioning product and force users to get used to new partners. We know our customers love social interaction and so do we. Use the full potential of chat rooms on the platform and learn directly from expert brokers.

Sonata.ai is across the board exchanging stage with long haul benefit both to dealers and holders. Our trade is painstakingly made in collaboration with dynamic trade/Forex intermediaries and fintech aficionados. The application will give an answer for tenderfoot and master merchants who need to center around business, as opposed to battle with muddled UI and garbage usefulness.

We are completely upheld by organization in the monetary business. The principle reason, why we discharge our token, is to draw in early speculators and offer 80% of our income with them. Not at all like other ICO ventures, Sonata.ai trade does not require extra assets for the improvement itself. We trust that individual association is a key to assemble sound network. That is likewise why Sonata.ai is created as a really social stage.

At the moment, we are collecting feedback from users of the cryptocurrency market and debugging the work of the platform before its actual launch. The motto of Sonata is to support the constant technological and functional development of our product.

Sonata’s goal is to create a balanced, intuitive to use product that will suit new users, while providing experienced investors with advanced features. Right from the start the developers are building an exchange with the expectation of large trading volumes, so the whole solution is based on scalable microservices architecture Main features

Security, it is the fundamental base of any platform, because safety comes first. Sonata exchange uses multiple layers of security for crypto assets, server side security, crypto hardware wallet storage, protection against phishing and DDoS attacks. The platform uses cryptographic hash functions to detect any vulnerability in the system and all the data is encrypted using AES-256 encryption algorithms. Multiple crypto wallets are graphically separated and every wallet have different keys to enhance the security for funds.

Dates and details of the ICO
The creators of the platform intend to sell 250 million coins. Sales will be conducted from October 8 this year to the end of the first quarter of 2019. The cost of the 1st SONT will be 0.000755 ETH. The minimum purchase volume is 1000 SONT.

Token symbol : SONT
Token standard: ERC20
Total token supply: 500,000,000
Total tokens for sale: 250,000,000
Value of token 1 ETH = 1,141 SONT
Currencies accepted : ВТС, LТС, ЕТН
Minimal transaction: 1,000 SONT
Hardcap : $21,000,000

Creating a platform that allows you to trade virtual currencies with the possibility of using a number of financial instruments and a convenient interface is quite attractive, both from the point of view of experienced traders and from the point of view of beginners.

Moreover, unlike most modern ICO, the Sonata project offers investors an impressive income, which ensures its even greater attractiveness. In this regard, it is necessary to invest in this project today to get the maximum passive income in the future.

Roadmap :
Q1 2018 : We create a simple currency exchange aimed for the Czech market: SonataCoin.com. There is a lot of potential for a new full-fledged exchange and the team agrees to start the development of such a service.

Q2 2018 : The team laid the groundwork for Sonata.ai. We have a chance to meet with partners and advisers who are as enthusiastic about our idea as we are.

Q3 2018 : The first internal version of the exchange. The AI for price prediction is consulted with AI experts and we can see the first results of short-term predictions.

Q4 2018 : The public sale of SONT tokens is launched. We strongly believe that the investment will be beneficial for investors thanks to our smart payment mechanism. The mechanism pays out 80 percent of trade fees back to holders.

Q1 2019 : The sale of SONT tokens is closed. We are expanding our team of developers and other specialists focusing on different tasks in order to innovate and upgrade the platform.

Q2 2019 : The first public beta version of our exchange platform is released. Holders of our tokens are given the opportunity to be the first ones to try using it.

Q3 2019 : We are focusing on further development and testing of our platform and upgrading our mobile applications. The first batch of altcoins is listed.

Q4 2019 : The first versions of mobile apps for Android and iOS are released to the public. We are publicly testing AI price prediction.

Team :

For more insight about the Sona.ai project, please click on the links below:

Website: https://sonata.ai
Whitepaper: https://sonata.ai/documents/whitepaper-en.pdf
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5048214.0
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/IwX6Zg-NhB3cJK1hPfbzVw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonata.cryptoexchange/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sonata_ai
Medium: https://medium.com/@sonata_exchange
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sonata-ai/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Sonata-ai
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/j9W9kef
GitHub: https://github.com/Sonata-ai/smartcontracts\

AUTHOR: Eflatun
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=620958
ETH : 0x6c5B872Eae443Be3E1EA3EB14Eced751Bcd5E7b7

0.314 GOLOS
На Golos с October 2018
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