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6 лет назад

Seal Network ICO


 Seal is an application that provides the ability to verify the originality of the product by scanning the Seal nfc chip (which is built into the products) and then reading the information about it. This platform can allow a person to verify the authenticity of the goods at any convenient time. Seal - is technology will be built on the basis of blockchain. Thus, the manufacturer of the goods will be able to track how many similar copies exist.
Developers want to achieve full trust between brands and buyers. Recently, users have almost lost confidence in the legality of the product. Each time it's harder to distinguish a fake from the original. More and more often attackers try to offer a poor-quality and counterfeit goods, which can not only spoil the reputation of brands, but also harm the health of consumers.
This application combines services that will help fight counterfeit goods, transfer of property rights. Seal is the ability of NFC chips, which, after the integration process, combines the product with its similar product into the blockchain. This can be done by scanning the barcode of the goods with any smartphone, and then the Seal application will do everything for you. To prevent scam, developers have come up with a chip that changes its position every time
when you conduct actions with it. At the first attempt to verify the chip, the data about it change. With the help of Seal, brand manufacturers will be able to directly communicate with their customers, thereby giving them more confidence. 

 List of services provided by the Seal platform:Checking the originality of the goods. Users will be able to investigate the authenticity of the product.

             Registration of property rights. The consumer will be able to formalize his property right, which will be useful when preparing insurance for the product.

             Transfer of ownership rights. Consumers can transfer their ownership to another consumer. For brands, this will be a big plus, because it will allow them to earn in the secondary market.

              Marketing of products for theft or loss.

Ability to make a revie What problems Does Seal Network Try to Address?
Worldwide company counterfeiting can be just a enormous enterprise. The SEAL Website Cites that over 2.8 Trillion 83000 worth of things happen to be counterfeited annually. One out of each and every 5 items manufactured in China can be really a big fake. Counterfeiting is a very important issue from the shoe, clothing, and luggage field. But, it's also a concern for plane components, air bags medicine and lots of different businesses.

Entire of this counterfeiting is gripping into your loss of confidence. People are losing faith in differently valuable organizations as a result of counterfeiting. Low build-quality, harmful items have been sold as concrete. Organizations receive a poor significance of counterfeited things, while individuals aren't able to market their own actual services and products on different niches thanks to perceived faith problems. 

 The characteristic of the NFC chip also supports reselling of goods; as the unique identification information in the chip can be updated to register the information of the new owner. When ownership is transferred to another, the Seal Network’s native token comes into use; validating the new users information at a cost of Seal tokens. In addition, when ownership is transferred, the Seal platform shares a percentage of the token transfer with the brand manufacture; in a first ever opportunity for the band to profit from the resale of its goods. This is a breakthrough for all parties and well as a major blow to the counterfeiting industry. 


    Token sale and ICO

     Token Cap A maximum of 1.2b tokens will be created and will never exceed this amount. No more than 492m tokens will be allocated for the token sale rounds. Discounts and bonuses depend on strategic partnerships and deal size.KYC and AML are required prior to buying tokens. Buyers need to provide their details and the address that will be used to send Ether from. If tokens in the presale round remain unsold, they will be offered in the main sale. Offered tokens that remain unsold after the main sale will be distributed proportionately to ALL token sale participants.
Example: a Buyer purchases 3.69m Seal tokens during mainsail, 123m (25%) of tokens remain unsold. Buyer receives 1.23m [ (3.69 / (492-123)) x 123 ] additional tokens for a total of 4.92m tokens.Actual prices will be in Ether and will be available on the website, along with the bonus structure. Prices will be in Ether instead of dollars to reduce exposure to ETH-USD volatility.


The platform will let people quickly and easily verify the authenticity of their favorite goods, which seems to be an excellent opportunity to get rid of counterfeiting and support high quality manufacturers. If the developers manage to translate their plans into reality, the system of Seal has a great chance of success. 



 For more information visit: 

 Веб-сайт: https://seal.network/
Технический документ: https://seal.network/seal-whitepaper.pdf
Телеграмма: https://t.me/sealnetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seal_network
Facebook: https : //www.facebook.com/SEALnetworks
Medium: https://medium.com/sealnetwork
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2929809.0 

 My profile :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1803086 

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