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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



The GigTricks Limited is a private company that is limited by shares and is incorporated in Gibraltaar in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and with the registration number 117112. Gibraltar was chosen to be established due to the understanding that its jurisdiction is crypto-friendly.

There are people who direct the GigTricks company. The function of these directors is to be responsible for the activities of the company and to oversee the Company’s activities on a day to day basis. The directors shall exercise their powers in accordance with the Company’s articles of association and their fiduciary duties to the Company. They are vested with all the powers to perform all acts that are necessary or useful to manage and control the business of the company and the development of the GigTricks platform.

MISSION OF GIGTRICKS: The GigTricks company is seeking to create a completely upgraded version of the current freelancing platforms that will be futuristic in its ability to offer various opportunities, minimize the risks and create a winning scenario for all stakeholders that are involved. GigTricks have a vision in which they plan to become a reality. This vision can become a reality as it creates a viable, accessible and low cost freelance platform that will seek to benefit as many countries as possible!!

The GigTricks platform aims to help talented individuals by creating much or extensive opportunities. In fact the system offered by GigTricks is so precious that freelancing can obtain a new insight.
In the short term, The GigTricks company (a private company that is limited by shares and is incorporated in Gibraltaar in accordance with the Companies Act 2014) seeks to create a completely upgraded version of the current freelancing platforms that will be futuristic in its ability to offer various opportunities, minimize the risks and create a winning scenario for all stakeholders that are involved.

The GigTricks ecosystem architecture has been designed to be highly scalable to ensure its flexibility. This simply means that the freelancers will be able to sell/market their products and/or services online or offline as a part of the ecosystem. For example, a digital marketer could develop and also offer a course or sell a product or service on the GigTricks platform either online or offline (that is, in person). The freelancer can then recieve payment via the GigTricks crypto tokens named as the GigBit token (GBTC). The GigTricks Social platform aims to allow the users to earn GigBit tokens by simply publishing and/or viewing social content.

The GIgBit notification (GBTC) is based on the ER20 format, and it works on the Ethereum network, as it will easily accept the community and the market. Maps based on Ethereum are a good solution for regular payments above a small amount, for example, $ 0.0001. GigTicks will use GigBit credits for micropayments to make them more efficient. Gigbit loans are not transactional. They will be released by the platform and can only be converted to gigBit cards. GigBit credits can not be sent from one user to another, regardless of platform.

Technical specification
Tokyo name: Gigabit · Tokin
TOKEN Abbreviations: GBTC
MAX SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000
Minimum goal: US $ 5 million
Hard cap: 50 million USD
Unstopped weapons: massacred
Main benefit: Utility tokens that can be required
TOKEN delivery: Within 21 days after sales

Assigning a token
ICO 350,000,000: 35%
TEAM & ADVISORS 150,000,000: 15%
Ecosystem Incentive 200 000 000 20%
Marketing & Bounty 50,000,000 5%
Liquidity Fund 50,000,000 5%
Together 200 million: 20%
Use of funds
Operating expenses: 28%
Platform development: 25%
R & D expenditure: 8%
Bidding acquisition: 5%
Statistical Information Giglikutute
Measure suprai: 1 billion
Total distribution ICO: 350 million
Ecocystem Incentive 200 million
ITO’s TOKEN PRICE: $ 0.24800
1 — Sol — ul Sell (1 GBTC = 0.06200 USD) = Disk Caught Point 75%
Pre-ICO power supply time (1 GBTC = 0.08680 USD) = 65%
Pre-ICO Day 1 (1 GBTC = 0.09920 USD) = Discovery 60%
Pre-ICO Day 2 (1 GBTC = 0.10664 USD) = 57% Disp.
Advance ICO Day 3 (1 GBTC = 0.1160 USD) = Discount 55%
Pre-ICO (1 GBTC = 0.12400 USD) = Discovery 50%
ICO Wake 1 (1 GBTC = 0.18600 USD) = 25% Dispecancent
ICO Wake 2 (1 GBTC = 0.21080 USD) = Discount 15%
ICO Wake 3 (1 GBTC = 0.22320 USD) = Package 10
ICO Wake 4 (1 GBTC = 0.23312 USD) = Discount 6%
ICO Wake 5 (1 GBTC = 0.23808 USD) = Discount 4%
ICO Wake 6 (1 GBTC = 0.24304 USD) = 2% OFF
ICO Wake 7 (1 GBTC = 0.24800 USD) = standard price
ICO Wake 8 (1 GBTC = 0.24800 USD) = standard price

June 2016
September 2016
Start development
FEB 2017
Formation of company
OCT 2017
GigTricks Fiat Launch Website (beta version)
December 2017
Launch Fiat GigTricks (Operational Version) Website
FEB — March 2018
Launch iOS and Android app of GigTricks Fiat Marketplace
March, 2018
It reaches more than 10,000 people
APR — MEI 2018
Personal sales
June 2018
JUL — August 2018
Q 4 2018
List of sale and sale of GigTricks market beta (block chain module) GBTC
Q 4 2018
Launch iOS GigTricks on Beta and Android Apps (Blended Ring Rule Rule)
Q 1 2019
GigTricks learning started
Q 1 2019
GigTricks Pro released
Q 2 2019
GigTricks Social Loch
Q 2 2019
Release of GigTricks POS (Point of Sale)
Q 2 2019
GigTricks advertisement network
Q 3 2019
GigTricks Local office in 20 countries country country
Q 4 2019
Improvements in user experience, functionality, Web & Mob Platform
Q 4 2019

Website: https://www.gigtricks.io
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUC1fJL8bAAvOo4A7vCw2rMM_eCvY4ss/view
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3290076.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gigtricks/
Telegram: https://t.me/gigtricks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gigtricksglobal
Medium: https://medium.com/gigtricks
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gigtricks/


0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с April 2018
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