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5 лет назад

Ixinium will change your Market


Ixinium offers Transactions in seconds, supported by 100% real insured assets. Ixinium will change your Market. while Ixinium has a client asset protection mechanism that is better than any bank in the world can offer, the use of Ixinium cryptocurrency also creates value benefits for all users, while insuring full value.

The background of Ixinium's vision is based on more than 4 years of research.In this study the main focus is to find the "why" question, regarding client investment safety, transparency for clients, client protection and the asset value structure behind the actual product.These studies show us that in many cases the words transparent and the safety of the client's investment are fully set or not even urgent. After showing some problems, the Ixinium Project began to have a basic structure, what was missing from the market and how it worked.

In 2008 the emergence of blockchain technology, when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, serious efforts have been made to implement the blockchain in several aspects of global business processes. Blockchain technology has been described as having the potential to destroy many industries with low costs. transactions, immortality and increased security.

Until now the development has been very good and I think this is a good response from its users because it is able to survive so far, related to this, a good project that appears is IXINIUM, complete let’s peel it to the end

Ixinium is a cryptographic hybrid with a client asset protection mechanism that is better than that offered by any bank in the world, the use of Ixinium crypto currency also creates a number of benefits for all insured users with full value.

Ixinium’s vision is based on more than 4 years of fiat currency studies. In this study, the main focus is to find the “why” question, regarding client investment safety, transparency for clients, client protection and asset value structures behind actual products. After showing some problems, the Ixinium Project began to have a basic structure, what was missing from the market and how it worked. Ixinium’s vision is to provide cryptocurrency supported by decentralized and transparent assets, which are fully insured for replacement value.

Advantages of Ixinium

1.Acceptable Worldwide
2.Currency that has been decentralized
3.Safe and comfortable
4.The risk of inflation is very low
5.The payment is very easy

Ixinium has been supported by precious metals, chain transparency, and audited transactions. Physical metal auditing that is fully transparent to prove to everyone, Ixinium's asset structure and 24/7 market value, Ixinium insured by Lloyd's of London makes Ixinium safer than any bank in the world, we can say that Ixinium is the solution.

IXAT functions like an asset-based investment portfolio. Ixinium uses the Stellchain blockchain. Stellar is a platform that can connect banks, payment systems, and people. Integration to move money is fast, reliable, and almost without cost. Transactions on the decentralized Stellar network are completed in 2-5 seconds.So, we see how from various parts of the total technology, the developers have created a better model, we call it Ixinium

Ixinium ICO is sold, 100% of funds are used for precious metals to support the price of Ixinium XXA.

Ixinium, a crypto-financial hybrid, while Ixinium has a client asset protection mechanism that is better than any bank in the world can offer, using Ixinium cryptocurrency also creates value benefits for all users, while insured from full value.

Ixinium ICO presents the arrival of XXA creation by "printing" and supporting coins made with precious metals. Ixinium uses the IXAT asset feeder token, to transfer the value of physical precious metals to XXA digital coins. The value of IXAT is 1: 1 to $ 1.00.

When Ixinium buys precious metals, the same number of IXAT tokens will be made and transferred based on ownership of XXA as to what precious metal USD value has just been purchased. In the IXAT production code, IXAT has only one address where it can be transferred, address XXA. After the IXAT transaction, IXAT is automatically locked into place under ownership of XXA.

Cryptocurrency problem:

The cryptocurrency market seems to be increasingly popular every day. With astronomical increasing cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, there seems to be an influx of people into the market. Many there are a number of major problems that disrupt the market. There are structural and functional problems that affect the market. These problems stem from a variety of reasons such as the nature of baby markets, lack of understanding of cryptocurrency space, and some typical cryptocurrency economics (“token omics”) just to name a few. The following are some of the main problems in the cryptocurrency market. The cryptocurrency market has since been hit by the activities of hackers and cyber criminals. Because of hacker activity.

Ixinium is the ultimate solution to all problems:

Cryptocurrency is supported by precious metals, block transparency, and transactions that can be audited. Auditing physical precious metals that are fully transparent to prove to everyone, Ixinium’s 24/7 asset structure and market value, insured by the value of willingness by Lloyd’s of London makes Ixinium safer than any bank in the world, we can say that Ixinium is the solution. Good for physical assets: Ixinium value (XXA) is fully reserved, unlike fiat or fiat currencies based on so-called stable coins (USDT, TUSD, USDC, GUSD, etc.).

So, we see how from various parts of the total technology, the developers have created a better model, we call it Ixinium

In short, we can safely say that the founders of Ixinium have prepared thoroughly, only combining the best tools from the entire blockchain industry. Where the elements of each individual take part, harmoniously complement the previous elements, and together they create a truly extraordinary platform with all functions.

For more information please visit the links below:

Username : erwin_ibrahim
Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1061924
Telegram : @erwinibrahim
Email : erwinrohadi87@gmail.com

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