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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

ELAD Network - the best solution for the real estate market

Hello to everyone, dear readers!

Today I would like to tell you about another project on blockchain that will work in the field of real estate. Blockchain technology is getting bigger... And more enters this market. And that 's not just about real estate transactions. Crowdfunding is another activity that is in principle particularly unprotected and requires radical solutions. Global world deals are currently a problem due to the restrictions placed on the financial institutions of countries. Which means that you will need to try very hard to buy real estate abroad and at the same time pay minimum interest when transferring money from one country to another - it is a whole story. There 's a lot to try! - https://www.elad.network/

Knowing all these difficulties and problems of people buying real estate for themselves and investors there was an idea to create a project with the introduction of Blockchain technology.

This project is ELAD Network!

Website: https://www.elad.network/

The project team is developing a platform that will take Crowdfunding to a new level and give more people access to multimillion-dollar real estate investments. The ELAD network will allow to combine exchanges of interaction in the P2P format and investment line on the same site and will reduce costs and almost remove barriers giving great opportunities for all. Allow to erase borders between countries and make real estate transactions from any country regardless of where the object of purchase is located. Protect transactions from technical failures that are possible with a centralized blockchain format decentralized, meaning that it will work sustainably and less vulnerable. Make transactions safer and more open you can always track transactions, but your data will be securely protected

The team is also going to introduce AI technologies for its platform, which in turn will significantly speed up the time of information processing, document preparation and other functions. The entire platform will run on an ELAD token released on Ethereum.

If you talk about the advantages of the platform, there are quite a lot of them and you can talk about them for a very long time. If the main ones are highlighted, they will be:

The project team has already presented a demo version of the platform so you can evaluate and test it on the Ropsten network. To do this, you will need to use Chrome browser and Metamask. This is good and means that the project team is aimed at the result. And I think that further development of the project will be as effective. And by the way, the project already has 3 properties in the UK.


I like the idea of the project and in principle I implement projects that are aimed at development in the sphere of real estate, as I am deeply convinced that blockchain technology is more than anything else suitable for this market. It can really make it possible to rid this sphere of paper red tape will remove unnecessary intermediaries

The project has already raised several million dollars of investment and I think this team will do everything. We 'll live, we 'll see!

Website: https://www.elad.network/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/elad_network

Telegram: https://t.me/elad_ico


Golos - EvgenyKan
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