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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

What is offered to invetor by the IRONX exchange. Advantages of the exchange

you begin to think of that what exchange offers good terms and safety for work to the users. You ask to whom such information is necessary I will tell you the first stage the exchange will be interesting to beginners people who only want to secure the first crypto currency and at the same time entirely to understand that it how to buy and in general as all this works. Therefore it would be desirable to mention about a problem of already already existing exchanges in the Internet space. First of all it as we know absence of the decentralized exchanges. As we know all exchanges operated and for this reason to them there is not enough trust. The following obstacle is the lack of an elementary opportunity to buy crypto assets for real currency and it very much slows down process therefore people instead of the exchanges use unreliable sources and the prices on these sources much above than at the exchange. At the same time as we know everything dependences on a source can deceive you and nobody gives you at the same time any guarantees that you will send means and to you will enlist a crypto asset. And such cases occurs much presently. Therefore this reason guards users and for this reason not all are already sure and whether they want to buy crypto assets and to contact a crypt. The following weak link at the exchange as always can also this most important safety is. As there is constantly a work with finance that is probability that there is at the same time very big threat to lose finance. For this reason it is a main goal of all exchanges safety of users saving assets here what to become the main first objective of developers. Therefore friends I want to acquaint you with very interesting project which is going to solve such problem as safety of work of users at the exchange.

This project is called IRONX.

иронкс шапка.png

Let's consider the project in more detail:

IRONX   yavlyatsya in essence by the project with innovative solution in the crypto industry. As developers offer us the project which implements in itself(himself) how to be told all in one crypto exchange which is directed to the solution of all available problems. At the same time we know that the project already develops at full speed and the platform already has the working beta which was realized and published to start testing of working capacity passed also test of stability of the platform and project in general. At the same time besides the beta the project already obtained all necessary licenses for implementation of the project and the most important already has the license for existence as the exchange. Thus we see that, the project already grows and develops. And therefore the sense of the project is in making all steps of acquisition of crypts of assets the most transparent and safe for all users of the platform. Also on this platform identification of users will be entered.

I will continue to tell about interesting projects and today we have IronX. At once I will note that this project was pleasant to me. And its main advantage the IronX company conducts the activity since 2010. That is, we have not the one-day project and the skilled company which is going to bring the developments in blockchain technology.

I will remind a little of the IronX company
So, the IronX company was founded in 2010. At the moment it is the leading onlaynt-trading in the market Forex. Now represents more than 10 trading floors and it is possible to find more than 200 effective tools in them.

IronX at the moment serves institutsialny clients from 18 countries including Europe, Africa, Latin America and many others. The podtderzhka more than in 30 languages is at the moment provided. Do you represent what for the company carries out the ICO now? And of course about SCAM the speech does not even go.

IronX is operated by 4 managers now:

FX, FCA (Great Britain).
FSCA (South Africa).
ASIC (Australia).
CySEC (Cyprus). These are serious advantages which will precisely set thinking.
What now offers IronX
Now IronX represents the eaten-around enterprise, his founders are a giant company IronFX Group, EmurgoHK Group – the leading platform on online to trade and the founder a blockchain of the Cardano and ADA Coin project.

Joint actions all these corporations decided to create the adjustable exchange from safety increased by degree. And my subscribers can say yes and what special and why on the new exchange? However IronX is the exchange which offers absolutely a different approach and new opportunities.

**What remarkable is in the project **

Having looked at a top of 100 most popular exchanges an impression can be made that there is no sense to start new. But what of these 100 exchanges it is possible to call safe and effective? Only units and IronX precisely will be included into their number.

The exchange is going to solve two major problems:

Small liquidity.
High volatility.
In addition, the issue with swindlers will be completely resolved and investors will receive additional protection. And what we still want from a blockchain?

I will note! Already now it is possible to meet a huge number of investors who are ready to begin close cooperation with this exchange on a constant basis. And according to the forecast of experts in several months it gets to a top 10 and will increase the capitalization over time.
Why the project is doomed to success
Of course experience in this sphere, the best managers and corporations create the IronX exchange it perfectly. But unless on it everything comes to an end? Of course is not present first of all this exchange will be directed to that to solve the suppressing number of problems which can only arise in this segment.

Plus to everything this will be one of the few ICO which will be able to realize all the potential the idea even in such market. Respectively investors will actively make the money in development.

**Conclusion **

IronX is a project which will change understanding about the exchanges and precisely will become one of the most successful. I seldom say that it is possible to invest the means. But if you the investor who looks for long-term investments then of IronX is what the doctor registered!

Website: https://ironx.io/
Whitepaper: https://ironx.io/IronX_WP_Version_1.2.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5059654
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IronXExchange
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IronX-165411397629420/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ironx_exchange/
Telegram: https://t.me/IronX_exchange

My btt link - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1287450 (tokenuss)

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