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6 лет назад

Cardstack ICO: Crowdsdale platform for application integration

The idea of Cardstack is to present a platform for creating software products that combine features and functionality of various applications.

What is Cardstack?

Cardstack is a platform that enables the integration of several types of software in a single product to achieve an improved application as a result.   Developing Cardstack, the creators believe that they can solve three important problems at once.

The first problem is the advent of the "App Store" era, which dictates the fashion for torn apart applications that perform different functions and are not interconnected. This period was called the era of the "App Store", as the creators of Cardstack attributed its start to 2007 - the year when the first iPhone was released. Even back then, users have already seen 15 applications designed for different tasks.   

Additionally, the software offered in the App Store and other stores is usually paid, which users generally do not like. As a result, smartphone owners are limited to 5-7 applications that are distributed free of charge and supported by advertising. Programs that require payment for use, do not always stand competition and often leave the market. This is true even for those applications whose functionality is better than that of free analogs.

The second problem of the market is the need to choose the optimal list of applications to reduce costs. This question is relevant for business, forced to work with 10-20 paid products. Software licenses are usually expensive, and application functionality often overlaps. As a result, users pay for the same feature two or three times.

Finally, the third problem is the widespread adoption of decentralized solutions of the first generation. They are implemented via blockchains while interaction is carried out through web-browser plug-ins. Each application is implemented in its own way, uses different APIs and has specific requirements. This results in a similar situation if one would create a separate desktop for each program on the computer (e-mail, game, chat server, etc).

The solution from the Cardstack team eliminates all three problems. It provides the interconnection of segregated applications. The business will no longer have to choose the programs for which it is necessary to pay - they will be combined in one product. Also, users do not need to run 15-20 applications at the same time, each of which creates a load on the computer, connecting with its own blockchain.

Cardstack architecture consists of three layers:

1. Secure Ledger Layer. It houses an Ethereum-based blockchain. The layer is available only to the developers of Cardstack. 

2. Scalable Payment and Governance Layer.  Easily scalable and includes: 

a). Ecosystem of the project's crypto currency (CARD tokens); 

b). The aggregation protocol (Tally). 

3. Orchestration and Expirience Layer.  It includes: 

a). Cardstack framework; 

b). Applications developed using blockchain and Cardstack framework.

Cardstack users are divided into three categories - customers, application developers and miners. For all users, platform developers are ready to offer unique advantages.   

For customers:

• Integration of several applications in a single product;   

• Ability to pay for various software development services by a single currency and through a single channel;   

• Secure data storage with the ability of quick transfers;   

• Work with the currency.   

For the developers of decentralized applications:

• Use the SDK developed by Cardstack to create programs with improved functionality;   

• Ability to improve the application based on user feedback;   

• A broad audience of customers, high revenues from downloading and using the products offered.   

For Miners:   

• Stable income in the Cardstack crypto currency, which can be spent within the system or withdrawn;   

• A transparent mining system that guarantees an equitable distribution of wealth and a permanent reward for the miner’s contribution “powering” the Cardstack algorithm.  

Cardstack ICO features 

CARD cryptocurrency issued by the creators of Cardstack is used not only to attract investments in the project, but it is also necessary for the Cardstack ecosystem, playing the role of a payment medium in it. The total number of tokens issued for Cardstack is 6,000,000,000 CARD . 40% of tokens will be issued during the ICO.

The CARD tokens issued by the Cardstack creators will be distributed as follows: 

• 40% - sale during the ICO;   

• 10% - premium to the initiative participants of the ecosystem;   

• 7% - remuneration for the advisors and brand ambassadors;   

• 15% - remuneration for project developers (blocked for 4 years);   

• 20% - Cardstack stabilization fund;   

• 8% - AirDrop, Bounty-program.  

Cardstack Token Generation Event is divided into three stages. 

At the first stage, only Cardstack enthusiasts, who demonstrated good results in popularizing the platform and ready to do so in the future, will receive the project's crypto currency. They will receive a 20% bonus over the number of tokens they purchase. 

Participants of the second stage will be able to buy CARD currency with a bonus of 10%. To do this, they will need to invest in the project at least 50000 USD. 

At the third stage of ICO, Cardstack will be available to all comers. Only funds transferred to the official project wallet will be considered. The cost of one CARD token during the ICO is $ 0.0175. Cardstack developers accept investment only in Ethereum crypto currency. 

Cardstack roadmap 

The developers of Cardstack plan to complete the project in 2019. The start of the platform was given in early 2017, and this means that a full cycle of development and launch on the market will take less than 3 years.   

By early 2018, Cardstack was released for application developers. It allows to manage content, search for software and carry out the basic workflows. The first release of Cardstack implemented the use of CARD.   2018 will be devoted to the creation and improvement of the Cardstack for end users. It is expected that the application will allow participants to communicate with each other, join in groups and pay for downloaded applications. In parallel, work will be done on the mining algorithms, for which the Proof-of-Analytics algorithm will be used.   

Cardstack system will improve in 2019. In particular, the developers plan to compile a full catalog of applications available for download on the platform. By the end of 2019, the creators of Cardstack plan to introduce a product fully prepared for business use.

Cardstack Team

The Cardstack team employs specialists in various fields.

Chris Tse is the Cardstack project manager. Chris Tse is a mobile developer. He has great expirience in JavaScript and HTML5 application development and created a variety of software used on mobile platforms. He also has broad experience working in crypto-currency projects.   

Edward Faulkner is the Lead developer of Cardstack. He participated in the formation of the Ember library - one of the largest sources used in animation. He has participated in the development of websites for major social networks, business organizations and government agencies. Edward is the founder of Polinominal consulting company, which advises entrepreneurs and company leaders on issues related to software development.   

Hasan Abdel-Rahman is the lead blockchain developer of Cardstack. Previously worked in Monegraph as a senior blockchain developer, where he gained a lot of experience in creating a system of legal protection for media creators. He collaborated with Ethereum on the development of intellectual contracts and plans to apply this experience for the benefit of Cardstack.   

Justin Tong is the head of data processing at Cardstack. Justin Tong is the author of The Proportional Distribution Model. He holds a Master of Mathematical Sciences degree from the St. Andrew’s University.    


Cardstack is a project that has the real potential to break into the vanguard of blockchain development. 

Cardstack occupies a unique niche. There are no similar projects using blockchain, now on the market. But smartphones for all of their existence have sold several billion, and their owners want to use their equipment more conveniently. Cardstack will allow them to work with one application instead of fifteen or twenty and do it with minimal costs. 

Software developers will also benefit from Cardstack. Here they will receive feedback from millions of users and quickly adapt their products to the needs of the audience. It is obvious that Cardstack, unlike many other blockchain projects, creates real value for society and makes its life better. 

Cardstack investors are pleased with the developers' focus on the final result - this proves both a 4-year lockout of their assets and and successful pre-ICO with a prototype of the finished platform. The Cardstack project is worthy of taking a place in the investment portfolio of anyone who invests their money in ICO. 

You can expect explosive growth of the value of the crypto currency in 1-2 months after the completion of the crowdsdale. You can use coins not only as an asset for sale on the stock exchange, but also as a means of payment to application developers, which only increases its value.

 To get more information and join the Cardstack project, please visit some of the next links and sites:



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