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5 лет назад

Brain Space - Review

image.png is a unique global decentralized platform that will make it possible to upgrade the intellectual property segment, and now it will be much easier to register a specific project. The authors of this promising projects will be able to monetize their efforts by registering their ideas on the Brain Space service. Any cultural works will be not only paid for, but also popularized. Copyright is the backbone of the Brain Space ecosystem


Intellectual property is a very complex and problematic segment, because often the authors of interesting projects are faced with fraudulent schemes, and the fact of copyright is not appreciated.

Intellectual work is highly demanded, but existing services do not allow them to work correctly with content and monetizing their own efforts. Brain Space developers have their own vision of the situation, they are ready to give the world an innovative decentralized platform for correct work with intellectual property.

The infrastructure of Brain Space will allow you to monetize intellectual work, to make such work more relevant and accessible. No intermediaries, fraudulent schemes, loss of copyright - the system will work as safely and efficiently as possible.

Our Concept

A unique multi-platform that will greatly simplify and expand the possibilities of IP registration and the further fate of the author of a work of any cultural theme and value. After the author completes the registration of intellectual property through our service, he will be given the maximum amount of leverage to globalize his product, both towards monetization, and in the direction of popularizing the product and entering the broader market.

How to participate in the Purchase

Before registering on our ICO platform, you will need either a BTC purse or an ETH purse. The number of purses will need to be specified at the time of registration. To participate in the purchase, we accept payment of ETH and BTC.

Minimum Amount of Investment

Private sale of 10 000 USD Pre-sale 1 000 USD Token-sale 100 USD


Low level of interaction between business and entrepreneurs with intellectual property (lack of a quality direct “bridge” between the author and business)

Low level of private authorial activity (domination belongs to the business sector)

Lack of a high-quality and uninterrupted ecosystem available to authors of the “initial link”, as well as the presence of an authority factor among authors and the possibility of excluding the term “turn”

Constant difficulties with tracing the violation of property rights on the object of the author.

Solutions Proferred

Providing the author, who is in a "sleep" and "home conditions" mode, the possibility of full involvement in publication and popularization with access to an expert audience.

A platform that allows quickly, in a quality and understandable language to establish interaction between the author and the person interested in the usefulness of his work for himself, as well as allowing to ensure rapid organization of the team decision by combining the authors into one project.

Multifunctional platform with the possibility of the maximum rapid development of the author, as a holder of cultural value in the form of his work.

Own algorithm for recognizing duplication of an audiovisual and text object on the Internet, which will speed up the processing of data to identify copyright infringement, up to automatic notification of the author in the case of using his work.



See the Future of Brain Space

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