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5 лет назад

Fieldcoin - Creating the first blockchain based land marketplace

The world’s population is growing tremendously, and with the current state of resources, food security may become a big issue in the years to come. With this in mind, there is a need for blockchain technologies to solve most problems faced in the agricultural sector, while creating equipment that will guarantee effective transactions.

Although there has been a previous application of blockchain in the agricultural sector, this new technology called FieldCoin is viewed as the ultimate solution. FieldCoin brings together all those technologies thereby enabling them to work as a unit as a way to revolutionize the agriculture industry.


FieldCoin is a blockchain based platform that connects landowners with potential investors and funders while enabling cheaper transfer of properties to companies and individuals. It aims at creating a stable transaction instrument that will ease the process of acquiring land and agribusiness.

How Fieldcoin Blockchain Agricultural Farm Land Marketplace Works

To achieve this mission, FieldCoin will be doing the following: The token will be used in assessment and in helping users calculate the price and cost of their land. Besides, it will be used to calculate the threshold value.

Tokenization Of Everything
Several blockchain based startups are tokenizing nearly every asset. This allows users to use encrypted technology and cut out on costs of intermediaries and brokers.

With food security, a major concern, the land is the only secure asset to help deal with the situation. The land is a secure asset hence a more reliable store of value. This is an attractive attribute to investors and those who seek to diversify their gains. The issue of land ownership transfer has been a thorn in the flesh but with FieldCoin, purchase, sale, and management of land will be opened up well. This will be a major way of managing land for landowners.

New ideas, new approaches, and new technology can be better ways of managing the challenge of growing more food to sustain future generations. High tech like using drones to inspect crop growth and self-driving vehicles can be better ways of maximizing yields during harvests.

Kickstarting Of Ideas
FieldCoin will start crowdfunding for all innovations in the agribusiness sector. The platform will support small-scale farmers and scale their techniques a notch higher where they will then be rewarded. Several agricultural projects will be chosen where farmers and investors can choose to invest in.

Peer To Peer Transactions
Blockchains have made transactions faster, easier, and affordable. FieldCoin platform allows one to buy and sell land anywhere for a transaction fee of only 1%. This will help tame the long and rigorous process that accompanies the buying and selling of land.

Land ownership will be integrated into the FieldCoin ecosystem where holders will have access to land ownership.

FieldCoin Ecosystem
An ecosystem will be developed where land is acquired, valorized, and used for innovative developments. This approach will be conducted in Europe to test its workability before it is rolled out to other parts of the world.

Trade Back Protocol
Whenever the price of FieldCoin token falls below 80% of total assets, users are guaranteed a discount for future purchases. The discount will amount to the difference between the coin market value and the threshold. Audits will, therefore, be conducted every semester to ascertain the prevailing token market cap.

Fieldcoin Token ICO Details

The tokens are traded on crypto exchanges.

Parameters Of The ICO
Ticker: TBT
Accepting: ETH
Platform: Ethereum
Pre ICO: 20.10.2018 – 20.11.2018
ICO: 20.11.2018 – 20.12.2018
Country: United Kingdom
Soft cap:3,000,000 USD



WhitePaper: https://www.fieldcoin.io/pdf/White-paper-05-18.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fieldcoin?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fieldcoin/

Author : funkyies

BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1971452

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