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6 лет назад

NELUNS - New Generation Financial Ecosystem

A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. Cryptocurrencies are already transforming the business world by providing a decentralised platform that enhances business and would make cryptos more real in the minds of consumers.

Neluns - is an innovative financial ecosystem, which contains a bank that operates with fiats and cryptocurrencies, a cryptocurrency exchange, and an insurance company that is creating conditions for the qualitative development of the cryptomarket, an inflow of new participants, and capital.

Why Neluns

Neluns is an innovative ecosystem which solves the main issues of their competitors:

  • Broad spectrum of banking products
  • Unique cryptocurrency exchange
  • High level of security
  • Elimination of entry barriers
  • Ability to make instant payments anywhere in the world
  • Low commissions with minimal risks.
    You can find the full description in our White Paper in “Neluns Advantages” section.

check out this video presentation

Features of Neluns

The Neluns Company provides a broad range of benefits to their customers. All elements of the system are created to maximize the comfort of using cryptocurrency and fiat in everyday life. The Neluns ecosystem is composed of three main elements which are described below:

"Neluns Bank comply with all financial regulations governing banking activities while providing users with all banking services in both fiat and cryptocurrency.

Neluns Exchange is governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission license, an innovative exchange process which is fast and secure for cryptocurrency transactions.

Neluns Insurance Company obtaining U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission license and ensures all trade and transactions carried out in the system are secured."

Neluns Bank

On of the ecosystems elements is the Neluns Bank — licensed commercial bank, officially registered in conformity with all regulative necessities.

Neluns Bank presents a large spectrum of services for both physical and legal entites. It will provide services of classical bank and bank on the blockchain. In the future, it will tale advantage of its own blockchain with access at any clock from all over the world.

Neluns Exchange

Neluns Exchange is a global cryptocurrency exchange which is pointing itself as the initiation for a new and complex banking architecture. It is an innovative solution which solves the problems and disadvantages of existent cryptocurrency exchanges. It is not an ordinary exchange, it is an exchange that are using “Bank guarantee” advance. The users are fully legal and insured, they don’t need to worry about unforeseen circumstances. All actions will be executed in accordance with all legal norms and the trades are entirely legal. Investors funds are always connected to IBAN in the Neluns Bank and are legally protected.

Many users of cryptocurrency exchanges run into problems with withdrawing funds from the exchange, this process takes a lot of time usually. With Neluns exchange, this process will be made instantly thanks to multicurrency accounts opened with the Neluns Bank.

Another feature of Neluns Exchange is the high level of security due the fact that they will use reliable banking technical solutions, provided by leading world companies.

During the peak load times, users suffer a lot. It is manifesting through losses since the funds are frozen, closed registration for new users and so on. Neluns Exchange will eliminate this problems by the use of ahead technologies from two financial industries. Also, Neluns is paying attention to an effective and user-friendly customer service support, it will be available directly in the mobile application chat, in all messengers, on the Neluns site, and through our hotline.

Neluns Insurance:

Another important aspect of Neluns Ecosystem is Insurance. It will follow up for financial risks, trussed to trades and transactions.

It is divided into two categories:

• Full Insurance — Provides insurance in full when something take place.

• Partial Insurance — Provides insurance only for fixed amounts

The costs for these services depends on a row of criteria. Basically, it is about 10% from the total of trade or transaction sum. The costs for partial insurance is determined individually for every case.

Neluns prospects are huge. It has advantages for using it both for active cryptocurrency market participants, and for potential cryptocurrency market participants.

Here are few of them:

• Full spectrum of banking services.

• Unique cryptocurrency exchange

• High level of security

• Elimination of entry barriers

• Ability to make instant payments anywhere in the world

• Low commissions with minimal risks

The Benefits

Users in the system get a wide range of benefits available to them. These are:

Innovative technologies ensure a hassle-free and quick trading of cryptocurrencies despite the peak loads.

Under the protection of the “Bank Guarantee” principle users can actively participate in trading of cryptocurrencies. “Bank Guarantee” principle in conjunction with leading technologies allows you to easy withdraw your funds. It also provides a high level of protection from cyber-attacks and creates perfect conditions for cryptocurrency traders and fiat funds. Users can make withdrawals from around the globe under the guard of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Users get access to four types of debit or credit cards. These are: Lite, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

Users can access loans in fiat or cryptocurrency in the Neluns banking system.

Gain profits while lending funds on a P2P (peer-2-peer) Lending platform. The lending platform will function at the base of Neluns Bank and authorized users will be able to use this service.

Active users get higher protection and other additional benefits.

Users can receive profits from trading NLS tokens and dividends from all insured trades.

Users get a chance to open a private or corporate multicurrency IBAN account.

Besides, making purchases, sending payments, trading cryptocurrencies and fund withdrawals are available from any ATM around the globe 24 hours 7 days a week. All users are able to carry out transactions in USD, EUR, GBR as well as cryptocurrencies. A bank card will automatically accompany the multicurrency IBAN account.

The Brains

Token Sale and ICO Details

NLS token was built in accordance with the ERC-20 standard and it is a security token which will provide to users with 50% dividends based on the Neluns system profit. Dividends will be shared quarterly and it is calculated proportionally to the number of tokens user holds compared to the total.

A total amount of 200 000 000 NLS tokens will be released during the ICO. Base price of 1 NLS token is 1 USD. The ICO will be divided into three phases. They are: the Pre-Sale, Pre-ICO, ICO.

Token Details

During the ICO, 200 000 000 NLS tokens will be released

Base price of 1 NLS token = 1 USD

Token name - NLS

Platform - Ethereum

Standard - ERC-20

Token amount - 200 000 000 NLS

Hard Cap 112 000 000 USD

Base price of one token 1 USD

ICO stages


The first phase will run from the 1st of August to the 15th of August lasting for 14 days. The Hard Cap is $2.000.000 while the Soft Cap is $500.000 There’s a standard 30% bonus and an extra-bonus of 40% and 50% on an investment of 1 ETH or 10 ETH in one transaction.


The pre-ICO which is the second phase will run from the 15th of August to the 05th of September lasting for 21 days. The hard Cap is $10.000.000 while the soft Cap is $2.000.000. There’s a standard 20% bonus and an extra-bonus of 30% and 35% on an investment of 1 ETH or 10 ETH in one transaction.


The third phase, the ICO, will run from the 05th of September to 05th of October and will last for 31 days. The hard Cap is $112.000.000 while the soft Cap is $10.000.000. There’s a standard 10% bonus and an extra-bonus of 20% and 25% on an investment of 1 ETH or 10 ETH in one transaction.

Token and Funds Distribution

80% - Ecosystem development; investment in the purchase and improvement of traditional banking software; development of our own software and ecosystem functionality; Neluns applications for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS; investment in work and bank capital, platform insurance (these funds will be used as a part of the activities of all elements of the Neluns ecosystem and provide additional operations).3% - Personnel salaries, offices, legal registration, obtainment of all necessary licenses, connection to payment system and SWIFT, legal and consultation services.10% - Marketing, hosting a marketing campaign and attracting a broad range of clients to use the Neluns ecosystem.7% - Reserve fund, will be used to support NLS liquidity.

Website: https://neluns.io/

Whitepaper: https://neluns.io/static/ver165/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: http://t.me/TheNelunsChat

Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Neluns/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNeluns

Medium: https://medium.com/@iconeluns

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCap59w27OBC_Cn9nsQxthTA

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NelunsProject/?st=JK201PMO&sh=8e3addc0

Author : funkyies

BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1971452

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