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7 лет назад

The Abject discrimination of men by women.

In 1848, movements were a big deal in America. They had movements such as the Abolishment of Slavery Movement, Temperance Movement and the birth of the Women's Movement. The most famous of these early movements were the Suffragettes who campaigned long and hard (70years) to get the right for women to vote.

Then we jump forward to the 60's and 70's. This brought about the modern era of Womens Lib and Feminism. Women became much more militant and much more socialist in their views. Womens Lib DEMANDED free childcare, abortions and equal pay. Obviously this was also the period of free love and communism. Even though America and Australia thought that the communist threat was widely and overseas problem, the idealogy was completely at home within the American and Australian household. Free this, and Equal that are basically communist ideas.

So now women are basically treated as equal right? Women have the right to vote, drive, serve in the military, serve in government as basically every other thing men can do.


Lets look at some other statistics that women don't want the world to see.

Did you know.....

Men are 97% of combat fatalities.
Men pay 97% of Alimony
Men make 94% of work suicides.
Men make up 93% of work fatalities.
Men make up 81% of all war deaths.
Men lose custody in 84% of divorces.
80% of all suicides are men.
77% of homicide victims are men.
89% of men will be the victim of at least one violent crime.
Men are over twice as victimised by strangers as women.
Men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women.
Men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.
Court bias against men is at least 6 times bigger than racial bias.
Males are discriminated against in school and University.
Boys face vastly more corporal punishment than girls.
60-80% of the homeless are men.
Women's Cancers receive 15 times more funding than men's
At least 10% of fathers are victims of paternity fraud.

Then lets look at the REAL money gap
Men earn 61.5% of all income but only account for 25% of domestic spending. Men only spend 40% of what they earn after tax. In contrast women make up 38.5% of all income but control 75% of domestic spending, women on average spend 90% MORE MONEY THAN THEY EARN. Men are exploited as cash machines and even with spending on children accounted for women still spend more money on themselves than the combined spending for men and children. This can even be observed in the floor space allocated to women's products in most shopping centres.
Personally I think this statistic is a little unfair, as a marriage is a team effort and the spending should be equitable to achieve the "team" goals.

Then, if we look at taxation and government spending

Men pay over 70% of income tax but the vast majority of public spending is on services for women.
There is more money spent on breast cancer than lung cancer and prostate cancer combined, despite the fact that lung cancer alone has 3-4 times more fatalities than breast cancer.
A man's chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die. Yet there is vastly more money spent on cancer for women, this is lethal discrimination.
Women pay 60% less tax despite spending 300% more in domestic spending than men. Women also consume two third of public spending, there are 3 times the amount of gender specific health services for women than men despite the fact that for equal increases in health spending a man's life expectancy rate increases nearly twice as much as a woman's.

And if we look at Domestic Violence

There are hundreds of surveys which shows women are as violent if not more violent than men in domestic violence cases. Men get arrested in 85% of all arrests but its estimated that Women are the perpetrators in most Domestic Violence cases.
Most reciprocal violence is started by women and 70% of non reciprocal violence is perpetrated by women. Women however only get arrested in 15% of all DV arrests.
This example of 572 different studies covering 371,600 people demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. Link
More men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men. Link
Despite this though,99.3% of DV shelter spaces are for women and even men who report violence against them by women are arrested far more often than the woman who is attacking them.

The above statistics are largely American and can be contentious. So lets look at some common place Social inequities that anyone in Australia can see.
- Women's only clubs. Women have their own gender biased clubs, case in point the CWA and Fernwoods gym. Men are not to be members of this. But when we have a gentleman's club such as Tattersals, women make it their mission to "Break the Barriers" and join these clubs, stating that its sexist that they can't join.

- Nudity. When I was an apprentice, we had scantily clad women on our calendars in the workshop. This is now taboo as women feel "Objectified" BUT.... its perfectly socially acceptable to have topless firefighter calendars plastered around the work place. Are we both not human with the same make up? Why is it OK to show toned male breasts, but as soon as a male worker displays a set of women's breast (which are basically the same except they have a much larger layer of fat above the muscle) its suddenly "objectification"

Lastly, and probably once of the most blatantly discriminatory,

- Gender quota's. As I've reported on before, there is an insidious movement by the Human Right Commission in Australia to set benchmark employment quota's to increase the number of females in the workforce. No longer is it acceptable to hire the best person for the job, instead now we have to balance the ratio of men to women in the workforce. So if a position becomes available, in some instances if a man is more qualified a woman will still get the job solely to appease a ratio figure. This is disgusting.

I hope this article has helped to open your eyes to the way the world has taken on a Gynocentric sexism culture. The women's lib movement of the 20's and 30's i think would actually be upset how far their initial work has come in terms of equality. But any attempts to correct these wrongs will be met with calls of prejudice and "all men are pigs" .

Thanks for reading, and hopefully this deserves a resteem and upvote.


Source for statistics Link

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