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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

CardStack - intelligent blockchain-Internet


We were able to find amazing times: the images depicted by science fiction writers in the middle of the last century, almost every day come to life. Even some 60 years ago with a simple computer took up a whole building, after a couple of decades, there are personal computers. Today, the computing device in the pocket of a schoolboy can calculate in a matter of seconds the trajectory of the output into an orbit of a spacecraft or the motion of planets.

Wireless high-speed Internet, availability of information, tons of video and music from anywhere in the world, video calls, unmanned taxis, robotic vacuum cleaners and even a smart kettle that can be controlled from your phone... all this is familiar, ordinary. But some two decades ago, we could see this only in science fiction films.

Have shown that you can improve more? But every day brings new solutions. Technical progress is accelerating exponentially. In the last years, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology that is base of them are on the hearing.
We are told a lot about the prospects and benefits of distributed information transfer over the Blockchain. But the language of hard numbers, complex protocols are poorly understood by an ordinary user.

Every day there are new blockchain projects that affect various sectors of our lives far beyond the sphere of IT: medicine, trade, public services, insurance, Finance. But the decentralized system is too tricky in practice, using them is uncomfortable, lacking the necessary infrastructure. Practical and understandable to the ordinary citizen of the blockchain platform is an exception to the rule.

The CardStack development team has set an ambitious goal - not just to develop a useful decentralized application with a friendly interface. CardStack is the Internet on the blockchain, a harmonious ecosystem that can solve any task of users, from listening to music to tax deductions.


The idea of the project is to create a platform for the development and distribution of applications, a universal framework that will make maximum use of the advantages of blockchain technology. Applications will be available in a convenient market by type Google Play. But the main highlight and charm are that users will be able to purchase not the whole application, and pull out of them (regardless of whether belong to one developer or different) individual tools dApps, creating the most comfortable desktop.


Advantages of this approach:
  • Save computing resources - you don't need to run multiple apps with similar features on your device.
  • Save the money-no need to purchase a license for each application, pay for the same functions several times, buying software products that are partially similar in functionality.
  • Convenience-no need to worry about file compatibility, export the project to different programs to work on it.


CardStack was beneficial to all

Example. You are an ordinary user, for you the Internet is just a means of watching movies, communicating. CardStack will combine accounts of various social networks, emails, messengers-you will not miss any important letter or call. You do not have to switch between separate applications, each time you enter a password and login. Similarly, CardStack will combine media servers, allowing you to quickly find the right film and in the best quality, with the proper dubbing. And you do not have to register and buy a license on a new website every time.

You are the owner of a small shop and are looking for a convenient tool for financial reporting and sending it to the tax office. In this case, it is not necessary to pay for the full package of accounting software, understand the complicated interface, install the server. Choose only the right tools and work with maximum comfort.

If you are an architect or designer, choose the tools from the different applications that are most convenient for you. Work on the project in the same work environment, no exporting to various programs, and worry about compatibility and incorrect display of different elements. You don't have to pay for several costly software packages.

Programmers get a convenient environment (CardStack Framework) for creating applications and at the same time a flexible tool for their promotion. Only creativity, no cost to optimize applications to work with different platforms.


What is very important, the platform directly connects users and developers, eliminating intermediaries. When you select and drag a tool, a SMART contract is automatically signed. There are no complicated procedures for the acquisition and careful control over the licenses.

The concept allows turning CardStack into a global decentralized network. Everyone remembers the revolution of social networks that turned the global "web". Share actual news, share photos, music, follow the lives of friends or such distant idols, watch a movie, discuss various topics, promote services - users have access to most features in one place.
CardStack is another revolution in the world of the global web. But the platform will be much more of a social network. It will bring together all imaginable and unimaginable services in one place. CardStack can become a virtual world where everyone will find their place.


The architecture consists of three levels:
  • Operational or blockchain layer-only application developers have access to it. At this level calculations and authentication are performed.
  • Control layer charge - includes a Protocol for the distribution of remuneration (Tally), the ecosystem of cryptocurrencies (CARD).
  • Custom layer. Consists of a user-friendly CardStack software environment and add-on dApps applications.
Tokens, ICO

For the calculation inside the platform will be used its cryptocurrency based on ERC20-CARD. Tokens will also be used to attract investments.
Settlement rate: 1 CARD = 0.0175 USD.

CardStack is a unique environment that combines the work of disparate applications, providing maximum comfort for all participants of the ecosystem. What is important is that the user will be able to control the digital world from a single application, without going into the features of his work, and what is happening behind him. The platform will help to save money, time, effort, so you can confidently talk about the interest of society.


Site: https://cardstack.com/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2768237.0
Telegram: https://telegram.me/cardstack
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2805234.0

Author: grigorii557

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