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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


various technological developments in those days. After all, his movements work only an extraordinary number of people, each trying to realize their creative and intellectual potential, so we are with you today to get new opportunities and tools, so life becomes much more interesting and easier .

Of course, there are truly different categories of progress and discovery, each of which affects its own area or scope. There are areas of Science and Medicine, and other fields of resources and communication. In fact, it doesn't matter which and in what field makes a breakthrough, as for me, the main thing is to make it at all. As without progress, the world is slowly rolling toward regression. Makes sense.

This program called Oniz is staged on timeless ledger technology and has been designed to be a solution to the process of failing to lend funds to startups and is therefore designed to eliminate all the problems that are hampering to make that possible. There are advantages for token holders in this place such as being able to design their own concepts and benefit. All the concepts they designed will have sufficient funds because the resources needed reach the token holder.

Introducing Oniz
Oniz is a direct partner of Sbobet which is an online betting with operations in Asia licensed by the Philippines and also operations in Europe licensed by the Isle of Man for operations as international sports betting.

When betting on Sbobet, you can use ONIZ analysis tips by installing the ONIZ AI platform to get the highest win rate.

About the project and features
The project, which will be discussed now, is a set of the most highly effective tools and abilities for each individual and is called it- ONIZ. Although, it will be more accurate to say- ONIZ token, because with that further the amount of payment will develop, which will then lead to the development of ONIZ's own funds. Actions that will lead to the full and direct assistance of other participants, the principle of action will aim to create new decentralized projects based on the signs of ONIZ.

For those who still do not fully understand what is said, explain. The developers of this project intend to first create value for their ONIZ tokens, with which they will form their own decentralized funds. The same funding will be available to all new people and the ambitious team of developers who want to make their own online games or other entertainment matters for users, only to make the basic ONIZ sign already there. Everything even basic is simple and easy to understand.

The advantage
The advantages of this approach are many. First, the well developed ONIZ project will provide a favorable basis for the development of other promising ideas based on the ONIZ mark. Second, the technology underlying ONIZ is sophisticated and high class, because it contains all the principles of reliability, transparency and security of decentralized space for each individual. In addition, the ONIZ artificial intelligence system is designed in such a way that almost every participant from sports betting has the highest level of winning bets. This range ranges between 80% and 85%, and this I want to tell you isn't even bad!

In fact, besides all the functions and principles of interaction with the ONIZ system and its tokens, you will have a unique opportunity: to buy tips on prices, pay for various goods and services that partner projects that accept ONIZ tokens as payment instruments, and you can easily use your ONIZ token in your favorite game, and create your own ONIZ platform. Of course, the opportunity level and access to certain functions are quoted from the number of signs available on your ONIZ balance. However, this is logical, because every action has a logical price. Therefore, I think everything is quite rational and honest.

This is a token that has been created by the ONIZ Fund to help participants collect funds needed for their project and also makes it possible to create sub-projects by participants by holding tokens. Tokens have several usecases which include;

  • In-game payments made by the Oniz platform or linked to the Oniz platform
  • Purchase a betting tip that depends on the type of bet
  • Initiation of technology projects that involve multi-chain payments that can be supported by Oniz
  • Payments for products by partners who receive ONIZ tokens and also projects made from ONIZ tokens

Token Name: ONIZ Token
Ticker: ONZ
Platform: Ethereum
Supply Token: 8 billion

The solutions provided by this institution will be globally relevant in all sectors that carry out any financial transactions. They will all be made to thrive on the innovation of this crypt community with all the efficiency in their use and direct access to the funds to be lent to them. Then all startups that have been helped will find it easy to utilize what they have received from this concept.

Website: https://oniz.co/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165733.msg51844051
Telegram Group: https://t.me/Onizco
Telegram Channel: https: //t.me/OnizCo1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Onizco

Author: Mikdad1018
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343017

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